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Author:Lusompa, Amaze 

Journal Article
Disruptions to Russian Energy Supply Likely to Weigh on European Output

The Russia-Ukraine war and subsequent oil sanctions from European countries have substantially disrupted the supply of Russian oil and gas. We estimate the effects of these disruptions on European output and find that a decline in the Russian oil and gas supply in 2022 could lead to a sizable drop in European output over 2023–24, though the effect differs across countries and sectors .
Economic Bulletin , Issue November 4, 2022 , Pages 4

Journal Article
Cutting-Edge Methods Did Not Improve Inflation Forecasting during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amaze Lusompa and Sai A. Sattiraju investigate whether innovations in time-varying parameter models led to improved inflation forecasting during the pandemic. They find that despite their promise prior to the pandemic, forecasting innovations did not improve the accuracy of inflation forecasts relative to a baseline time-varying parameter model during the pandemic. Their results suggest that forecasters may need to develop a new class of forecasting models, introduce new forecasting variables, or rethink how they forecast to yield more effective inflation forecasts during extreme events.
Economic Review , Volume 107 , Issue no.3

Journal Article
Testing Hybrid Forecasts for Imports and Exports

The quality of economic forecasts tends to deteriorate during times of stress such as the COVID-19 pandemic, raising questions about how to improve forecasts during exceptional times. One method of forecasting that has received less attention is refining model-based forecasts with judgmental adjustment, or hybrid forecasting. Judgmental adjustment is the process of incorporating information from outside a model into a forecast or adjusting a forecast subjectively. Hybrid forecasts could be particularly useful during extraordinary times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as models that do not ...
Economic Review

Working Paper
The Passthrough of Agricultural Commodity Prices to Food Prices

Food inflation has been excluded from core measures of inflation under the reasoning that it is a phenomenon of the supply side of the economy, driven by stochastic supply shocks to agricultural production that can affect the availability of farm products and increase food price volatility. However, the share of food costs related to agricultural production has fallen over the years as food value chains have become more complex and food prices tied more closely to value added downstream in the supply chain. We calculate the magnitude and extension of agricultural price passthroughs to food ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 24-16

Working Paper
Local Projections, Autocorrelation, and Efficiency

It is well known that Local Projections (LP) residuals are autocorrelated. Conventional wisdom says that LP have to be estimated by OLS with Newey-West (or some type of Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC)) standard errors and that GLS is not possible because the autocorrelation process is unknown and/or because the GLS estimator would be inconsistent. I derive the autocorrelation process of LP and show that it can be corrected for using a consistent GLS estimator. Estimating LP with GLS has three major implications: 1) LP GLS can be less biased, more efficient, and generally ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 21-01

Journal Article
Will High Underlying Inflation Persist?

Underlying inflation—the rate of inflation that prevails after temporary imbalances in the economy are resolved—can help policymakers gauge whether current high rates of inflation are likely to persist. Using survey-based inflation expectations, we show that if current inflation forecasts are realized, underlying inflation should decline toward 2 percent in 2024. However, if inflation continues to surprise to the upside, underlying inflation may remain elevated for some time.
Economic Bulletin

Journal Article
KC Fed LMCI Can Help Sift Out Noise in Payroll Data

Data on monthly payroll growth are noisy and subject to revisions, making real-time assessment of the health of the labor market challenging. We use the information encoded in the Kansas City Fed’s Labor Market Conditions Indicators (LMCI) to get a cleaner picture of payroll growth. According to the LMCI-implied estimates of payroll growth, the labor market may be stronger than official data suggest.
Economic Bulletin



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