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Author:Llanes, Elizabeth 

Working Paper
Wealth Distribution and Retirement Preparation among Early Savers

This paper develops a new combined-wealth measure by augmenting data on net worth from the Survey of Consumer Finances with estimates of defined benefit (DB) pension and expected Social Security wealth. We use this concept to explore retirement preparation among two groups of households in pre-retirement years (aged 40 through 49 and 50 through 59), and to explore the concentration of wealth. We find evidence of moderate, but rising, shortfalls in retirement preparation. We also show that including DB pension and Social Security wealth results in markedly lower measures of wealth ...
Working Papers , Paper 20-4

Working Paper
Wealth Distribution and Retirement Preparation Among Early Savers

This paper develops a new combined wealth measure using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances, by augmenting data on net worth with estimates of defined benefit (DB) pension wealth and expected Social Security wealth. We use this combined wealth concept to explore retirement preparation among groups of households in their pre-retirement years (40-49 and 50-59) and also to explore the concentration of wealth. We find evidence of moderate, but rising, shortfalls in retirement preparation. We also show that including DB pension and Social Security wealth results in markedly lower measures of ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2020-043

Working Paper
Wealth Concentration in the United States Using an Expanded Measure of Net Worth

Defined benefit (DB) pensions and Social Security are two important resources for financing retirement in the United States. However, these illiquid, non-market forms of wealth are typically excluded from measures of net worth. To the extent that these broadly held resources substitute for savings, measures of wealth inequality that do not account for DB pensions and Social Security may be overstated. This paper develops an alternative, expanded wealth concept, augmenting precise net worth data from the Survey of Consumer Finances with estimates of DB pension and expected Social Security ...
Working Papers , Paper 21-6

Discussion Paper
Education Debt Owed by Older Families in the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances

Much of the education debt in the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) currently resides in households headed by person 40 years or older. These families are the focus of this note.
FEDS Notes , Paper 2018-12-21-1

Discussion Paper
A Wealthless Recovery? Asset Ownership and the Uneven Recovery from the Great Recession

Data from the Federal Reserve Board's Survey of Consumer Finances indicate that although total household wealth has fully recovered from the Great Recession, there has been only modest growth for the vast majority of families since 2010, and most families have not recovered to pre-recession wealth levels. This uneven recovery is explained by declines in home and stock ownership, which have shown little signs of reversing; thus, these disparities appear poised to persist.
FEDS Notes , Paper 2018-09-13


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Social Security 3 items

Pensions 2 items

Inequality 1 items

Retirement 1 items

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retirement adequacy 1 items

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