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Author:Lempert, Amy 

Journal Article
The Creative Economy Spurs Economic Development

The past decade has seen an increased interest in employing the arts as a community and economic development strategy. But this is not a new idea, Mark Stern, a social policy professor at the University of Pennsylvania, reminded participants at a Reinventing conference session on the arts and culture. This strategy dates back to the days of urban renewal in the 1960s when older industrial buildings and housing were replaced with symphony halls and cultural spaces. Today, however, there is interest in ?moving beyond larger, more mainstream investment in the arts to focus on more immediate, ...
Cascade , Volume 3

Journal Article
Forum Focuses on Effective Community Development Corporations

The Philadelphia Fed hosted a forum last August that focused on some of the different approaches used by community development organizations. The event, titled Models of Surviving and Thriving CDCs: A Forum on Organizational Approaches and Strategies, was jointly sponsored by the Philadelphia Fed, the Delaware Housing Coalition, the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, and the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations. The forum reflected the Fed?s ongoing interest in community development corporations (CDCs). The 40 attendees were experienced ...
Cascade , Volume 1

Journal Article
Financial Reform Brings New Consumer Protections

On July 21, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Dodd?Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The full title of this sweeping legislation suggests its breadth: ?An act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end ?too big to fail,? to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services, and for other purposes.? The act, which contains 16 sections or ?titles,? touches almost every aspect of the financial services industry and is ...
Cascade , Volume 1



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