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Author:Leahy, Michael P. 

Journal Article
New summary measures of the foreign exchange value of the dollar

The multilateral trade-weighted index of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of the other countries in the Group of Ten (G-10), developed at the Federal Reserve Board in 1971, has played an important role in staff analysis of foreign influences on the U.S. economy for more than twenty-five years. However, changes in international trading relationships and in the structure of international financial markets have led to increased interest in the currencies of U.S. trading partners outside the G-10 countries. Furthermore, the establishment of the European ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 84 , Issue Oct

Working Paper
The sovereignty option: the Quebec referendum and market views on the Canadian dollar

We use exchange traded options on Canadian dollar futures to estimate the market's risk-neutral distribution for the Canadian dollar in the days before and after the Quebec sovereignty referendum. We employ a relatively new technique that places little a priori structure on the estimated distribution. This lack of structure allows the estimated distribution to reflect the multi-modal nature of expectations associated with the referendum's results. The technique is especially suited to circumstances in which a particular event will reduce a large degree of uncertainty prior to the expiration ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 555

Working Paper
Determining foreign exchange risk and bank capital requirements

This paper examines three alternative measures of exchange rate risk that could be used to develop a risk-based capital requirement for banks with foreign-exchange exposure. One measure, the standard deviation of the portfolio, is constructed under the assumption that exchange rate changes are distributed normally. While this measure is widely used in a variety of financial applications, it is subject to the criticism that it fails to capture well the behavior of exchange rate changes in the tails of their density function. A second possible measure is developed that combines the standard ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 400

Working Paper
The profitability of U.S. intervention

In this paper I address some of the issues associated with measuring the profits and losses from intervention and show that U.S intervention since the beginning of generalized floating in 1973 has earned positive economic profits for the U.S. monetary authorities. Profitability has been largest during episodes of intervention that have generated large foreign-exchange exposures. Fundamental explanations for the profitability of intervention are difficult to isolate, but I discuss possibilities that are consistent with the data. Finally I consider the effects profitable intervention may have ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 343

Working Paper
The usefulness of P* measures for Japan and Germany

This paper develops measures of long-run equilibrium price levels (P*) for Japan and Germany following the approach used for the United States by Hallman, Porter, and Small [1991]. Under this approach, P* is detemined by potential output, equilibrium velocity, and the amount of money in the economy. Constructing P* for these foreign countries is more complicated than in the U.S. case because the velocities of the broad monetary aggregates (M2+CDs in Japan and M3 in Germany) exhibit clear downward trends in contrast to the relatively flat trend of U.S. M2 velocity. We utilize dynamic ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 414

Working Paper
Interest on excess reserves as a monetary policy instrument: the experience of foreign central banks

This paper reviews the experience of eight major foreign central banks with policy interest rates comparable to the interest rate on excess reserves paid by the Federal Reserve. We pursue two main lines of inquiry: 1) To what extent have these policy interest rates been lower bounds for short-term market rates, and 2) to what extent has tightening that included increasing these policy rates been achieved without reliance on reductions in reserves or other deposits held at the central bank? The foreign experience suggests that policy rate floors can be effective lower bounds for market rates, ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 996

Working Paper
The dollar as an official reserve currency under EMU

This paper analyzes official reserve-holding behavior in the EU countries in an attempt to assess the effect EMU might have on official holdings of dollar reserves. A wide range of projections are presented for the effect of EMU on the overall demand for reserves, some based on earlier research results and some on new estimates. In the estimation and simulation of the behavior of EU countries in the last half of the 1980s, the contributions of country-specific factors appear to swamp the systematic components that had been isolated in earlier research. Earlier research results are also used ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 474

Working Paper
Bank positions and forecasts of exchange rate movements

Using data on the foreign exchange positions of five leading financial institutions, this paper attempts to determine whether the recent profitability of banks' foreign exchange trading is due to superior abilities to forecast exchange rate movements. Overall, the position data provide evidence that the performances of some financial institutions are 1) better than one might expect if their forecasts were purely random and 2) consistent with the possibility that they may possess information that would be valuable in forecasting changes in exchange rates. The conclusions are limited, however, ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 486


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