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Conference Paper
Targeted industrial policies: theory and evidence
Conference Paper
The move toward free trade zones
Conference Paper
Is the strong dollar sustainable?
Journal Article
Past and prospective causes of high unemployment
Twenty years ago, on the eve of the first of the great post-Bretton Woods recessions, unemployment did not appear to be a major problem for advanced economies. Today, of course, unemployment is back with a vengeance. In Europe, in particular, the seemingly inexorable rise in the unemployment rate has led to the creation of a new word: Eurosclerosis. While the United States has not seen a comparable upward trend, many people on both sides of the Atlantic believe the United States has achieved low unemployment by a sort of devil's bargain, whose price is soaring inequality and growing poverty.> ...
Conference Paper
Past and prospective causes of high unemployment
Journal Article
The problem of U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing
Journal Article
The move toward free trade zones
Conference Paper
Crises : the price of globalization?