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Discussion Paper
How Has COVID-19 Affected Banking System Vulnerability?
Fringuellotti, Fulvia; Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Duarte, Fernando M.; Kovner, Anna; Blickle, Kristian S.; Crosignani, Matteo
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in banks’ balance sheets. To understand how these changes have affected the stability of the U.S. banking system, we provide an update of four analytical models that aim to capture different aspects of banking system vulnerability.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20201116
Discussion Paper
What Is Corporate Bond Market Distress?
Boyarchenko, Nina; Crump, Richard K.; Kovner, Anna; Shachar, Or
Corporate bonds are a key source of funding for U.S. non-financial corporations and a key investment security for insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds. Distress in the corporate bond market can thus both impair access to credit for corporate borrowers and reduce investment opportunities for key financial sub-sectors. In a February 2021 Liberty Street Economics post, we introduced a unified measure of corporate bond market distress, the Corporate Bond Market Distress Index (CMDI), then followed up in early June 2022 with a look at how corporate bond market functioning evolved ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20220629
Discussion Paper
Are Stress Tests Still Informative?
Hirtle, Beverly; Kovner, Anna; Zeller, Samantha
Since the height of the financial crisis, each year the Federal Reserve has disclosed the results of its stress tests, and stress testing has become ?business as usual? in the U.S. banking industry. In this post, we assess whether market participants find supervisory stress test disclosures informative. After half a decade, do the disclosures still contain information that the market finds valuable?
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160404
Journal Article
The Market Events of Mid-September 2019
Afonso, Gara; Cipriani, Marco; Copeland, Adam; Kovner, Anna; La Spada, Gabriele; Martin, Antoine
This article studies the mid-September 2019 stress in U.S. money markets: On September 16 and 17, unsecured and secured funding rates spiked, and on September 17, the effective federal funds rate broke the ceiling of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) target range. We highlight two factors that may have contributed to these events. First, reserves may have become scarce for at least some depository institutions, in the sense that these institutions’ reserve holdings may have been close to, or lower than, their desired level. Moreover, frictions in the interbank market may have ...
Economic Policy Review
, Volume 27
, Issue 2
, Pages 26
Discussion Paper
Are BHC and Federal Reserve Stress Test Results Converging? What Do We Learn from 2015?
Kovner, Anna; Hirtle, Beverly; McKay, Eric
In March, the Federal Reserve and thirty-one large U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) announced results of the latest Dodd-Frank Act-mandated stress tests. Some commentators have argued that BHCs, in designing their stress test models, have strong incentives to mimic the Fed’s stress test results, since the Fed’s results are an integral part of the Federal Reserve’s supervisory assessment of capital adequacy for these firms. In this post, we look at the 2015 stress test projections by the eighteen largest U.S. BHCs and by the Fed and compare them to similar numbers from 2013 and 2014. ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20150406
Discussion Paper
Tax Reform's Impact on Bank and Corporate Cyclicality
Van Tassel, Peter; Sanchez, Vanesa; Kovner, Anna; Aragon, Diego
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is expected to increase after-tax profits for most companies, primarily by lowering the top corporate statutory tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. At the same time, the TCJA provides less favorable treatment of net operating losses and limits the deductibility of net interest expense. We explain how the latter set of changes may heighten bank and corporate borrower cyclicality by making bank capital and default risk for highly levered corporations more sensitive to economic downturns.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20180716
To Whom It May Concern: Demographic Differences in Letters of Recommendation
Hirtle, Beverly; Kovner, Anna
Letters of recommendation from faculty advisors play a critical role in the job market for Ph.D. economists. At their best, they can convey important qualitative information about a candidate, including the candidate's potential to generate impactful research. But at their worst, these letters offer a subjective view of the candidate that can be susceptible to conscious or unconscious bias. There may also be similarity or affinity bias, a particularly difficult issue for the economics profession, where most faculty members are White men. In this post, we draw on our recent working paper to ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Volume 24
, Issue 35
The impact of supervision on bank performance
Hirtle, Beverly; Plosser, Matthew; Kovner, Anna
We explore the impact of supervision on the riskiness, profitability, and growth of U.S. banks. Using data on supervisors? time use, we demonstrate that the top-ranked banks by size within a supervisory district receive more attention from supervisors, even after controlling for size, complexity, risk, and other characteristics. Using a matched sample approach, we find that these top-ranked banks that receive more supervisory attention hold less risky loan portfolios and are less volatile and less sensitive to industry downturns, but do not have slower growth or profitability. Our results ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 768
Anatomy of the Bank Runs in March 2023
Cipriani, Marco; Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Kovner, Anna
Runs have plagued the banking system for centuries and returned to prominence with the bank failures in early 2023. In a traditional run — such as depicted in classic photos from the Great Depression — depositors line up in front of a bank to withdraw their cash. This is not how modern bank runs occur: Today, depositors move money from a risky to a safe bank through electronic payment systems. In a recently published staff report, we use data on wholesale and retail payments to understand the bank run of March 2023.1 Which banks were run on? How were they different from other banks? And ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Volume 24
, Issue 39
Discussion Paper
The Official Sector’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and Moral Hazard
Kovner, Anna; Martin, Antoine
Any time the Federal Reserve or the official sector more broadly provides support to the economy during a crisis, the intervention raises concerns related to moral hazard. Moral hazard can occur when market participants do not bear the negative consequences of the risks they take. This lack of consequences can encourage even greater risks, due to the expectation of future government help. In this post, we consider the potential for moral hazard stemming from the official sector’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and explain why moral hazard concerns were likely more severe in 2008.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20200924
Liberty Street Economics 37 items
Staff Reports 23 items
Economic Policy Review 6 items
Working Paper 4 items
FEDS Notes 2 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 2 items
Speech 2 items
Working Papers 2 items
Econ Focus 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Discussion Paper 39 items
Report 23 items
Journal Article 7 items
Working Paper 6 items
Briefing 2 items
Speech 2 items
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Hirtle, Beverly 21 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 16 items
Crump, Richard K. 12 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 11 items
Shachar, Or 11 items
Cipriani, Marco 7 items
Plosser, Matthew 6 items
Lee, Michael Junho 5 items
Martin, Antoine 5 items
Vickery, James 5 items
Van Tassel, Peter 4 items
Afonso, Gara M. 3 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 3 items
La Spada, Gabriele 3 items
Wei, Chenyang 3 items
Zhou, Lily 3 items
Afonso, Gara 2 items
Bhanot, Meru 2 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 2 items
Copeland, Adam 2 items
Cox, Caren 2 items
Danzig, Andrew 2 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 2 items
Giannone, Domenico 2 items
Leonard, Deborah 2 items
Lucca, David O. 2 items
Luck, Stephan 2 items
McKay, Eric 2 items
Rosen, Richard J. 2 items
Schoar, Antoinette 2 items
Steiner, Patrick 2 items
Zborowski, Brandon 2 items
Zeller, Samantha 2 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 2 items
Acharya, Viral V. 1 items
An, Sungmin 1 items
Andler, Mathias 1 items
Aragon, Diego 1 items
Brando, Danny 1 items
Brunetti, Celso 1 items
Crosignani, Matteo 1 items
Deng, Angela 1 items
Dennis, Benjamin 1 items
Di Lucido, Katherine 1 items
Duffy, Denise 1 items
Finnegan, Madeline 1 items
Flannery, Mark J. 1 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 1 items
Gates, Dylan 1 items
Gennaro, Jennifer 1 items
Hamerling, Sarah Ngo 1 items
Hancock, Diana 1 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 1 items
Healey, Jason 1 items
Hyman, Benjamin 1 items
Ignell, David 1 items
Kiser, Elizabeth K. 1 items
Kotidis, Antonis 1 items
Kotta, Gurubala 1 items
Lerner, Joshua 1 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 1 items
Musatov, Alex 1 items
Nee, Shawn 1 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 1 items
Sanchez, Vanesa 1 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Tabor, Nicholas K. 1 items
Tallarini, Thomas D. 1 items
Vardoulakis, Alexandros 1 items
White, Phoebe 1 items
Yang, Emily 1 items
Zlate, Andrei 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 23 items
G2 16 items
G12 13 items
G28 13 items
E58 7 items
G01 6 items
G18 6 items
E32 5 items
G19 5 items
G3 5 items
E5 4 items
A11 3 items
A23 3 items
G1 3 items
G14 3 items
G20 3 items
G32 3 items
I18 3 items
J15 3 items
J16 3 items
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G0 2 items
G24 2 items
G2;G3 2 items
C58 1 items
C81 1 items
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D81 1 items
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F52 1 items
G10 1 items
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H0 1 items
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I15 1 items
L86 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
COVID-19 13 items
banks 9 items
financial stability 8 items
bank supervision 5 items
payments 5 items
bank regulation 5 items
Federal Reserve 4 items
bank runs 4 items
banking 4 items
bank capital 4 items
stress testing 4 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 3 items
bank performance 3 items
corporate credit facilities 3 items
facilities 3 items
federal funds market 3 items
gender in economics 3 items
networks 3 items
pandemic 3 items
professional labor markets 3 items
recommendation letters 3 items
regulation 3 items
research institutions 3 items
corporate bonds 3 items
stress tests 3 items
CPFF 2 items
Dodd-Frank Act 2 items
capital ratios 2 items
central bank reserves 2 items
commercial paper market 2 items
coordination 2 items
corporate bond market distress 2 items
corporate bond markets 2 items
credit conditions 2 items
cyber 2 items
economies of scale 2 items
event study 2 items
fed funds 2 items
financial conditions 2 items
growth-at-risk 2 items
interbank lending 2 items
large and complex financial companies 2 items
liquidity 2 items
monetary policy 2 items
primary and secondary corporate bond market 2 items
public signals 2 items
quantile regressions 2 items
race and ethnicity in economics 2 items
real activity 2 items
repo market 2 items
supervision 2 items
threshold regressions 2 items
too big to fail 2 items
Beta 2 items
Community Development 2 items
Cost of Capital 2 items
Venture Capital 2 items
ABCP freeze 1 items
Bank underwriting 1 items
Bonds - Prices 1 items
CLASS model 1 items
CRSP 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) 1 items
Corporate Finance 1 items
Cyber banking 1 items
Dimension Reduction 1 items
Dodd Frank 1 items
Dodd-Frank Act stress tests 1 items
Employment and labor markets 1 items
Equity 1 items
Fedwire 1 items
Financial crises 1 items
Going public (Securities) 1 items
Great Recession 1 items
Investment banking 1 items
Investments 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
MLF 1 items
Main Street Lending Program 1 items
Monetary policy tightening 1 items
Municipal Liquidity Facility 1 items
OTC markets 1 items
Outlook-at-Risk 1 items
PMCCF 1 items
PPP loans 1 items
Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility 1 items
Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
RSSDID 1 items
Race and ethnicity 1 items
SMCCF 1 items
Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
Stress test 1 items
Sunspots 1 items
Taxes 1 items
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) 1 items
Y-9C 1 items
asset pricing 1 items
bank holding companies (BHCs) 1 items
bank leverage 1 items
bank profitability 1 items
bank run 1 items
bank size 1 items
banking industry 1 items
banking system vulnerability 1 items
bond liquidity 1 items
bonds 1 items
capital 1 items
capital loss 1 items
commercial paper 1 items
commercial real estate 1 items
commercial real estate (CRE) loans 1 items
conference 1 items
corporate bond liquidity 1 items
corporate bond market conditions 1 items
corporate bond spreads 1 items
corporate debt 1 items
corporate market distress 1 items
credit spreads 1 items
crisis 1 items
cyber risk 1 items
cyber vulnerability 1 items
cyberattacks 1 items
data 1 items
data quality 1 items
debt 1 items
dimension reduction 1 items
disclosure 1 items
economic downturn 1 items
economic outlook 1 items
education 1 items
financial crisis 1 items
financial stability risk 1 items
fire sale vulnerability 1 items
fire sales 1 items
fiscal policy 1 items
funding risk and liquidity 1 items
global banking 1 items
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inflation 1 items
interbank loans 1 items
invasion of Ukraine 1 items
leverage 1 items
liquidity mismatch 1 items
low interest rates 1 items
macroprudential policy 1 items
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monetary policy implementation 1 items
moral hazard 1 items
municipal debt 1 items
municipal debt markets 1 items
net interest margins 1 items
official sector interventions 1 items
outlook 1 items
payment 1 items
preponderance of metrics 1 items
prices 1 items
private banks 1 items
private equity 1 items
profits 1 items
public banks 1 items
purchase effects 1 items
recession 1 items
shocks 1 items
small business 1 items
state and local governments 1 items
tabletop exercise 1 items
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