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Author:Kortum, Samuel 

Dissecting trade: firms, industries, and export destinations

We examine entry across 113 national markets in 16 different industries using a comprehensive data set of French manufacturing firms. The data are unique in indicating how much each firm exports to each destination. Looking across all manufacturers: (1) Firms differ substantially in export participation, with most selling only at home; (2) The number of firms selling to multiple markets falls off with the number of destinations with an elasticity of ?2.5; (3) Decomposing French exports to each destination into the size of the market and French share, variation in market share translates ...
Staff Report , Paper 332

Working Paper
Trade in ideas: patenting and productivity in the OECD

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 95-9

Working Paper
Engines of growth: domestic and foreign sources of innovation

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 95-35

Working Paper
Research and productivity growth: theory and evidence from patent data

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 95-2

Innovating firms and aggregate innovation

We develop a parsimonious model of innovating firms rich enough to confront firm-level evidence. It captures the dynamic behavior of individual heterogeneous firms, describes the evolution of an industry with simultaneous entry and exit, and delivers a general equilibrium model of technological change. While unifying the theoretical analysis of firms, industries, and the aggregate economy, the model yields insights into empirical work on innovating firms. It accounts for the persistence over time of firms? R&D investment, the concentration of R&D among incumbent firms, and the link between ...
Staff Report , Paper 300

Working Paper
International patenting and technology diffusion

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 94-35


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Working Paper 4 items

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