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Author:King, Robert G. 

Working Paper
Sticky prices, money, and business fluctuations

Can nominal contracts create monetary nonneutrality if they arise endogenously in general equilibrium? Yes, if (1) agents have complete information about the money stock and (2) shocks to the system are purely redistributive and private information, precluding conventional insurance markets. Without contracts, money is neutral toward aggregate quantities. However, risk-sharing between suppliers and demanders creates an incentive for both parties to use nominal contracts. in particular, if an increase in the money growth rate signals a rise in the dispersion of shocks to demanders' wealth, ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9008

Working Paper
Testing long run neutrality

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 92-18

Conference Paper
Money and business cycles

Proceedings , Issue Nov

Journal Article
The new IS-LM model : language, logic, and limits

Economic Quarterly , Issue Sum , Pages 45-103

Conference Paper
Inflation targeting in a St. Louis model of the 21st century

Proceedings , Volume 78 , Issue May , Pages 83-107

Working Paper
Stochastic trends and economic fluctuations

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 91-4

Journal Article
Quantitative theory and econometrics

Economic Quarterly , Issue Sum , Pages 53-105

Conference Paper
Monetary discretion, pricing complementarity and dynamic multiple equilibria


Journal Article
Expectations and the term structure of interest rates : evidence and implications

Economic Quarterly , Issue Fall , Pages 49-95

Partial adjustment without apology

Many kinds of economic behavior involve discrete and occasional individual choices. Despite this, econometric partial adjustment models perform relatively well at the aggregate level. Analyzing the classic employment adjustment problem, we show how such microeconomic adjustment is well described by a new form of partial adjustment model that aggregates the actions of heterogeneous producers. ; We develop a model where individual establishments infrequently alter the sizes of their workforces because such adjustments involve fixed costs. In the market equilibrium, employment responses to ...
Staff Report , Paper 327


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