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Author:King, B. Frank 

Journal Article
Commercial bank profitability: hampered again by large banks' loan problems

Economic Review , Issue Jul , Pages 39-54

Journal Article
Manias, Panics, and Crashes: a History of Financial Crises (1989) by Charles P. Kindleberger

Economic Review , Issue Jan , Pages 30-32

Journal Article
F.Y.I. recovering bank profitability: spoiled again by large banks' loan problems

Economic Review , Issue May , Pages 30-43

Journal Article
Review essay on Second Thoughts: Myths and Morals of U.S. Economic History by Donald N. McCloskey(editor), 1993

Economic Review , Volume 79 , Issue Sep , Pages 24-28

Journal Article
Florida stays out in front

Economic Review , Issue Nov , Pages 15-26

Journal Article
Is commercial banking a distinct line of commerce?

In analyzing the competitive impacts of bank consolidations, banking agencies and the U.S. Department of Justice tend to rely on the assumption that the market for bank services is local and is for services offered only by banks. This approach allows analysts to merge all products and services into a "cluster of services" for analysis of competition. Increases in types and locations of competitors have cast doubt on whether a cluster of services exists, however. ; These changes have induced the U.S. Department of Justice to do separate analyses of small business lending when analyzing ...
Economic Review , Volume 85 , Issue Q4 , Pages 39-58

Journal Article
F.Y.I. interstate banking developments in the 1980's

Economic Review , Issue May , Pages 32-51

Journal Article
Florida: a good year, but not an easy one

Economic Review , Issue Feb , Pages 13-24

Journal Article
Credit union issues

In February 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court partially settled a long-running controversy about the concept and extent of common bond limits on credit union membership, interpreting the Federal Credit Union Act as limiting membership to individuals sharing a single common bond. The ensuing debate has extended, quite naturally, to credit union tax status. Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have overwhelmingly passed and the President has signed a bill that would substantially annul the Supreme Court decision. ; This article attempts to provide a basis for thinking about current ...
Economic Review , Volume 83 , Issue Q 3 , Pages 32-41