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Author:Key, Sydney J. 

Working Paper
U.S. offices of foreign banks: the recent experience

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 124

Working Paper
Financial integration in the European Community

The EC program to complete the internal market is designed to allow the free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital within the Community by the target date of December 31, 1992. This paper provides a comprehensive description and analysis of the EC program for the financial sector, with emphasis on the relationship of this program to overall issues regarding international trade in financial services. ; The first section of the paper presents a brief historical survey of the origins of the internal market program. The second section provides an overview of the EC program for ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 349

Working Paper
International banking facilities

The Federal Reserve Board permitted banking offices located in the United States to establish International Banking Facilities (IBFs) beginning in December 1981. The purpose was to allow these banking offices to conduct a deposit and loan business with foreign residents, including foreign banks, without being subject to reserve requirements or to the interest rate ceilings then in effect. IBFs are also exempt from the insurance coverage and assessments imposed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In addition, a number of states have encouraged banking institutions to establish IBFs ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 333

Journal Article
Implementation of the International Banking Act

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct

Working Paper
Is national treatment still viable? U.S. policy in theory and practice

National treatment, which precludes the use of rules that discriminate between foreign and domestic firms, seeks to ensure equality of competitive opportunity for foreign firms entering or operating in a host country. National treatment is a generally accepted principle for international trade in financial services. It is the basis for commitments by the twenty-four countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and for the current negotiations on trade in services in the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This paper ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 385

Journal Article
Activities of International Banking Facilities: the early experience

Economic Perspectives , Volume 6 , Issue Fall , Pages 37-45

Working Paper
The U.S. activities of foreign banks: an analytic survey

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 113

Journal Article
Mutual recognition: integration of the financial sector in the European Community

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Sep

Journal Article
International banking facilities

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct , Pages 565-578