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Author:Kan, Raymond 

Working Paper
Pricing model performance and the two-pass cross-sectional regression methodology

Since Black, Jensen, and Scholes (1972) and Fama and MacBeth (1973), the two-pass cross-sectional regression (CSR) methodology has become the most popular approach for estimating and testing asset pricing models. Statistical inference with this method is typically conducted under the assumption that the models are correctly specified, that is, expected returns are exactly linear in asset betas. This assumption can be a problem in practice since all models are, at best, approximations of reality and are likely to be subject to a certain degree of misspecification. We propose a general ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2009-11

Working Paper
Analytical solution for the constrained Hansen-Jagannathan distance under multivariate ellipticity

We provide an in-depth analysis of the theoretical properties of the Hansen-Jagannathan (HJ) distance that incorporates a no-arbitrage constraint. Under a multivariate elliptical distribution assumption, we present explicit expressions for the HJ-distance with a no-arbitrage constraint, the associated Lagrange multipliers, and the SDF parameters in the case of linear SDFs. This approach allows us to analyze the benefits and costs of using the HJ-distance with a no-arbitrage constraint to rank asset pricing models.
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2012-18

Working Paper
Model comparison using the Hansen-Jagannathan distance

Although it is of interest to empirical researchers to test whether or not a particular asset-pricing model is true, a more useful task is to determine how wrong a model is and to compare the performance of competing asset-pricing models. In this paper, we propose a new methodology to test whether two competing linear asset-pricing models have the same Hansen-Jagannathan distance. We show that the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic depends on whether the competing models are correctly specified or misspecified and are nested or nonnested. In addition, given the increasing interest ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2007-04

Working Paper
Robust inference in linear asset pricing models

We derive new results on the asymptotic behavior of the estimated parameters of a linear asset pricing model and their associated t-statistics in the presence of a factor that is independent of the returns. The inclusion of this "useless" factor in the model leads to a violation of the full rank (identification) condition and renders the inference nonstandard. We show that the estimated parameter associated with the useless factor diverges with the sample size but the misspecification-robust t-statistic is still well-behaved and has a standard normal limiting distribution. The asymptotic ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2012-17

Working Paper
The exact distribution of the Hansen-Jagannathan bound

Under the assumption of multivariate normality of asset returns, this paper presents a geometrical interpretation and the finite-sample distributions of the sample Hansen-Jagannathan (1991) bounds on the variance of admissible stochastic discount factors, with and without the nonnegativity constraint on the stochastic discount factors. In addition, since the sample Hansen-Jagannathan bounds can be very volatile, we propose a simple method to construct confidence intervals for the population Hansen-Jagannathan bounds. Finally, we show that the analytical results in the paper are robust to ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2008-09

Working Paper
On the Hansen-Jagannathan distance with a no-arbitrage constraint

We provide an in-depth analysis of the theoretical and statistical properties of the Hansen-Jagannathan (HJ) distance that incorporates a no-arbitrage constraint. We show that for stochastic discount factors (SDF) that are spanned by the returns on the test assets, testing the equality of HJ distances with no-arbitrage constraints is the same as testing the equality of HJ distances without no-arbitrage constraints. A discrepancy can exist only when at least one SDF is a function of factors that are poorly mimicked by the returns on the test assets. Under a joint normality assumption on the ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2010-04

Working Paper
A note on the estimation of asset pricing models using simple regression betas

Since Black, Jensen, and Scholes (1972) and Fama and MacBeth (1973), the two-pass cross-sectional regression (CSR) methodology has become the most popular tool for estimating and testing beta asset pricing models. In this paper, we focus on the case in which simple regression betas are used as regressors in the second-pass CSR. Under general distributional assumptions, we derive asymptotic standard errors of the risk premia estimates that are robust to model misspecification. When testing whether the beta risk of a given factor is priced, our misspecification robust standard error and the ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2009-12

Working Paper
Chi-squared tests for evaluation and comparison of asset pricing models

Using data for the Philippines, I develop and estimate a heterogeneous agent model to analyze the role of monetary policy in a small open economy subject to sizable remittance fluctuations. I include rule-of-thumb households with no access to financial markets and test whether remittances are countercyclical and serve as an insurance mechanism against macroeconomic shocks. When evaluating the welfare implications of alternative monetary rules, I consider both an anticipated large secular increase in the trend growth of remittances and random cyclical fluctuations around this trend. In a ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2011-08

Working Paper
Specification tests of asset pricing models using excess returns

We discuss the impact of different formulations of asset pricing models on the outcome of specification tests that are performed using excess returns. It is generally believed that when only excess returns are used for testing asset pricing models, the mean of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) does not matter. We show that the mean of the candidate SDF is only irrelevant when the model is correct. When the model is misspecified, the mean of the SDF can be a very important determinant of the specification test statistic, and it also heavily influences the relative rankings of competing ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2006-10

Working Paper
Spurious Inference in Unidentified Asset-Pricing Models

This paper studies some seemingly anomalous results that arise in possibly misspecified and unidentified linear asset-pricing models estimated by maximum likelihood and one-step generalized method of moments (GMM). Strikingly, when useless factors (that is, factors that are independent of the returns on the test assets) are present, the models exhibit perfect fit, as measured by the squared correlation between the model's fitted expected returns and the average realized returns, and the tests for correct model specification have asymptotic power that is equal to the nominal size. In other ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2014-12




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