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Author:Kambhu, John 

Regulatory standards, noncompliance and enforcement

Research Paper , Paper 8902

Journal Article
Enhancing the liquidity of U.S. Treasury securities in an era of surpluses

Economic Policy Review , Issue Apr , Pages 89-119

Journal Article
Part 1: Introduction to New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released a report -- New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk -- that presents key findings from a cross-disciplinary conference that it cosponsored in May 2006 with the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications. ; The pace of financial innovation over the past decade has increased the complexity and interconnectedness of the financial system. This development is important to central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, because of their traditional role in addressing systemic risks to the financial system. ; ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 13 , Issue Nov , Pages 3-14

Journal Article
Dealers' hedging of interest rate options in the U.S. dollar fixed-income market

Despite investors' willingness to hold a variety of financial assets and risks, a significant share of interest rate options exposures remains in the hands of dealers. This concentration of risk makes the interest rate options market an ideal place to explore the effects of dealers' dynamic hedging on underlying markets. Using data from a global survey of derivatives dealers and other sources, this article estimates the potential impact of dynamic hedging by interest rate options dealers on the fixed-income market. The author finds that for short-term maturities, turnover volume in the most ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 4 , Issue Jun , Pages 35-58

Journal Article
The price risk of options positions: measurement and capital requirements

This article evaluates supervisory approaches to the measurement and capital treatment of the price risk of options positions. The authors find that approximate value-at-risk rules tend to provide better estimates of potential losses than simple strategy-based rules. The value-at-risk rules are particularly effective when they adjust for nonlinear changes in options prices. The authors also consider the reporting burdens posed by the different approaches and the consistency of the rules with existing and proposed supervisory frameworks.
Quarterly Review , Volume 19 , Issue Sum , Pages 44-75

Journal Article
Part 5: Concluding observations: New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released a report -- New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk -- that presents key findings from a cross-disciplinary conference that it cosponsored in May 2006 with the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications. ; The pace of financial innovation over the past decade has increased the complexity and interconnectedness of the financial system. This development is important to central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, because of their traditional role in addressing systemic risks to the financial system. ; ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 13 , Issue Nov , Pages 53-58

Trading risk and volatility in interest rate swap spreads

This paper examines how risk in trading activity can affect the volatility of asset prices. We look for this relationship in the behavior of interest rate swap spreads and in the volume and interest rates of repurchase contracts. Specifically, we focus on convergence trading, in which speculators take positions on a bet that asset prices will converge to normal levels. We investigate how the risks in convergence trading can affect price volatility in a form of positive feedback that can amplify shocks in asset prices. In our analysis, we see empirical evidence of both stabilizing and ...
Staff Reports , Paper 178

Journal Article
Preface to New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released a report -- New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk -- that presents key findings from a cross-disciplinary conference that it cosponsored in May 2006 with the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications. ; The pace of financial innovation over the past decade has increased the complexity and interconnectedness of the financial system. This development is important to central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, because of their traditional role in addressing systemic risks to the financial system. ; ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 13 , Issue Nov , Pages i

Journal Article
Price risk intermediation in the over-the-counter derivatives markets: interpretation of a global survey

In April 1995, central banks in twenty-six countries conducted a global survey of the financial derivatives markets' size and structure. The authors' analysis of the survey results suggests that at the time of the survey, dealers in the aggregate assumed only small exposures to price risks in meeting end-user demands. In addition, despite the derivatives markets' large size, potential price shocks there would still be appreciably smaller in scale than price shocks in the cash markets. Thus, the overall effect of derivatives markets may be to modify and redistribute exposures to price risks in ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 2 , Issue Apr , Pages 1-15

Journal Article
Part 2: Current trends in economic research on systemic risk

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released a report -- New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk -- that presents key findings from a cross-disciplinary conference that it cosponsored in May 2006 with the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications. ; The pace of financial innovation over the past decade has increased the complexity and interconnectedness of the financial system. This development is important to central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, because of their traditional role in addressing systemic risks to the financial system. ; ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 13 , Issue Nov , Pages 17-22



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