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Author:Jordan, Jerry L. 

Conference Paper
The credit crunch: a monetarist's perspective

Proceedings , Paper 370

Journal Article
Relations among monetary aggregates

Review , Volume 51 , Issue Mar , Pages 8-9

Conference Paper
Alternative intermediate instruments of monetary policy: panel presentation

Proceedings , Issue Nov , Pages 215-251

Journal Article
The century of markets

We are in the midst of a great transition, from an age in which governments intervened in nearly every facet of economic affairs to one in which market forces not only make political borders transparent to commerce but also shape political policies. This Economic Commentary is adapted from the John Bonython Lecture given by Jerry L. Jordan, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, Australia, in November 1999.
Economic Commentary , Issue Feb

Journal Article
The challenge of stability: Mexico's pursuit of sound money

How can Mexico best achieve a stable standard of value and, hence, sound money? Mr. Jordan, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, explored this question in his address to the DUXX Graduate School of Business Leadership at its Forum on Public Policy in Monterrey, Mexico. This Economic Commentary is adapted from his remarks.
Economic Commentary , Issue Mar

Journal Article
Effective supervision and the evolving financial services industry

Technology, market consolidation, international competition, and new legislation are changing the face of the financial services industry. How are the agencies responsible for ensuring the safety and soundness of our financial system responding? This Commentary is adapted from a keynote address given by Jerry L. Jordan, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Bankers association in May 2001.
Economic Commentary , Issue Jun

Journal Article
Darryl Francis: maverick in the formulation of monetary policy

Review , Volume 83 , Issue Jul , Pages 17-22

Journal Article
On the political economy of trade restraints

A defense of free trade resting on the argument that although private markets do not function perfectly, allocating resources through the political arena poses a far greater threat to individual freedom and economic performance than do market imperfections.
Economic Commentary , Issue Apr

Journal Article

Reply to "Monetary & Fiscal Actions: A Test of Their Relative Importance in Economic Stabilization".
Review , Volume 51 , Issue April , Pages 12-16

Journal Article
The year 1970-a \\"modest\\" beginning for monetary aggregates

Review , Volume 53 , Issue May , Pages 14-32


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