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Journal Article
Liquidity crises in the small and large
Federal Reserve programs during the recent financial crisis sought to provide liquidity to individual firms or industries. An interesting additional question is whether the aggregate amount of liquidity in the economy was appropriate before and during the recent financial crisis.
Journal Article
A comprehensive revision of the U.S. monetary services (divisia) indexes
The authors introduce a comprehensive revision of the Divisia monetary aggregates for the United States published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, referred to as the Monetary Services Indexes (MSI). These revised MSI are available at five levels of aggregation, including a new broad level of aggregation that includes all of the assets currently reported on the Federal Reserve?s H.6 statistical release. Several aspects of the new MSI differ from those previously published. One such change is that the checkable and savings deposit components of the MSI are now adjusted for the effects ...
Working Paper
Building new monetary services indices: methodology and source data
This paper is second of two from the Monetary Services Indices (MSI) Project at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The first paper, Working Paper 96-007B, surveys the microeconomic theory of the aggregation of monetary assets. This paper describe a new database of monetary services indices (MSI) for the United States. The MSI measure the flow of monetary services received each period by households from their holdings of monetary assets; the levels of the indices are often also referred to as Divisia monetary aggregates. In addition to indices of the flow of monetary services, the database ...
Working Paper
Monetary aggregation theory and statistical index numbers
This paper is the first of two from the Monetary Services Indices (MSI) Project at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The second paper, Working Paper 96-008B, summarizes the methodology, construction and data sources for the an extensive new database of monetary services indices, often referred to as Divisia monetary aggregates, for the United States. This paper surveys the microeconomic theory of the aggregation of monetary assets, bringing together results that are not otherwise readily available in a single source. In addition to indices of the flow of monetary services, the Project's ...
Working Paper
Linear cointegration of nonlinear time series with an application to interest rate dynamics
We derive a definition of linear cointegration for nonlinear stochastic processes using a martingale representation theorem. The result shows that stationary linear cointegrations can exhibit nonlinear dynamics, in contrast with the normal assumption of linearity. We propose a sequential nonparametric method to test first for cointegration and second for nonlinear dynamics in the cointegrated system. We apply this method to weekly US interest rates constructed using a multirate filter rather than averaging. The Treasury Bill, Commercial Paper and Federal Funds rates are cointegrated, with two ...
Working Paper
Nonlinear relationship between permanent and transitory components of monetary aggregates and the economy
This paper uses several methods to study the interrelationship among Divisia monetary aggregates, prices, and income, allowing for nonstationary, nonlinearities, asymmetries, and time-varying relationships among the series. We propose a multivariate regime switching unobserved components model to obtain transitory and permanent components for each series, allowing for potential recurrent and structural changes in their dynamics. Each component follows distinct two-state Markov processes representing low or high phases. Since the lead-lag relationship between the phases can vary over time, ...
Working Paper
Does money matter in inflation forecasting?
This paper provides the most fully comprehensive evidence to date on whether or not monetary aggregates are valuable for forecasting US inflation in the early to mid 2000s. We explore a wide range of different definitions of money, including different methods of aggregation and different collections of included monetary assets. In our forecasting experiment we use two non-linear techniques, namely, recurrent neural networks and kernel recursive least squares regression - techniques that are new to macroeconomics. Recurrent neural networks operate with potentially unbounded input memory, while ...
Working Paper
Tests for non-linear dynamics in systems of non-stationary economic time series: the case of short-term US interest rates
Using Hall and Heyde's (1980) representation theorem, we show that the stationary co-integration relations of an integrated system are generally non-linear stochastic processes. We propose a sequential non-parametric procedure to test stationary co-integration relations for non-linear dynamics, and apply this procedure to short term U.S. interest rates as an illustration. We demonstrate that the weekly federal funds rate is co-integrated with Treasury bill and commercial paper rates and that the co-integration relations are non-linear.