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Author:Imrohoroglu, Ayse 

Journal Article
Evaluating the welfare effects of alternative monetary arrangements

The welfare effects of alternative monetary arrangements are computed for an economy calibrated to U.S. data. In the model world, people vary their holdings of liquid assets in order to smooth their consumption. In such worlds, we find that the feature of an arrangement that matters is the equilibrium after-tax real return on savings. We also find that relative to a tax on labor income, seigniorage is a poor source of revenue.
Quarterly Review , Volume 15 , Issue Sum , Pages 3-10

Working Paper
On the political economy of income redistribution and crime

A general equilibrium analysis of the effects of income redistribution and crime, showing that while expenditures on police protection reduce crime, it is possible for the crime rate to increase with redistribution.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9609

Working Paper
Understanding the determinants of crime

In this paper, we use an overlapping generations model where individuals are allowed to engage in both legitimate market activities and criminal behavior in order to assess the role of certain factors on the property crime rate. In particular, we investigate if any of the following could be capable of generating the large differences in crime rates that are observed across countries: differences in the unemployment rate, the fraction of low-human-capital individuals in an economy, the probability of apprehension, the duration of jail sentences, and income inequality. We find that small ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 0602

Seigniorage as a tax: a quantitative evaluation

In this paper we analyze the efficacy of seignorage as a tax associated with various monetary arrangements in a computable general equilibrium model. For the economies examined, we find that seignorage tax is not a good one relative to a tax on labor income. If the after-tax real return is ?5 percent, as it was in the 1974?1978 period, welfare is approximately 0.5 percent of consumption lower than it would be if the after-tax return were zero.
Staff Report , Paper 132

Conference Paper
Seigniorage as a tax: a quantitative evaluation


On the political economy of income redistribution and crime

We study a one-sector growth model which is standard except for the presence of an externality in the production function. The set of competitive equilibria is large. It includes constant equilibria, sunspot equilibria, cyclical and chaotic equilibria, and equilibria with deterministic or stochastic regime switching. The efficient allocation is characterized by constant employment and a constant growth rate. We identify an income tax-subsidy schedule that supports the efficient allocation as the unique equilibrium outcome. That schedule has two properties: (i) it specifies the tax rate to be ...
Staff Report , Paper 216

Working Paper

We present a dynamic general equilibrium model of homelessness calibrated to the U.S. data and evaluate the effectiveness of several policies in the fight against homelessness. The model is designed to capture the most at-risk groups, producing a diverse homeless population that includes a significant portion experiencing short-term homelessness due to labor market shocks and a smaller portion facing chronic homelessness mostly due to health shocks. Our policy experiments reveal that the existing housing voucher program effectively reduces homelessness especially when the general equilibrium ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 103

Working Paper
What accounts for the decline in crime?

The authors? dynamic equilibrium model guides their quantitative investigation of the major determinants of property-crime patterns in the U.S. The model is capable of reproducing the drop in property crime that occurred between 1980 and 1996. The most important influences on the decline are a higher probability of apprehension, a stronger economy, and the aging of the population. The effect of unemployment on crime is negligible. Increased inequality in earnings prevented an even larger decline in crime. The authors? analysis can account for the behavior of the time series of property crime ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 0008

Discussion Paper
The effect of tax-favored retirement accounts on capital accumulation and welfare

Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 92

Discussion Paper
Time inconsistent preferences and Social Security

In this paper we examine the role of social security in an economy populated by overlapping generations of individuals with time-inconsistent preferences who face mortality risk, individual income risk, and borrowing constraints. Agents in this economy are heterogeneous with respect to age, employment status, retirement status, hours worked, and asset holdings. We consider two cases of time-inconsistent preferences. First, we model agents as quasi-hyperbolic discounters. They can be sophisticated and play a symmetric Nash game against their future selves; or they can be naive and believe that ...
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 136


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Merlo, Antonio 4 items

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Prescott, Edward C. 3 items

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