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Author:Huang, Yilin 

Conference Paper
The trust preferred CDO market : from start to (expected) finish

Proceedings , Paper 1128

Working Paper
The trust preferred CDO market: from start to (expected) finish

This paper investigates the development, issuance, structuring, and expected performance of the trust preferred securities collateralized debt obligation (TruPS CDO) market. Developed as a way to provide capital markets access to smaller banks, thrifts, insurance companies, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) by pooling the issuance of TruPS into marketable CDOs, the market grew to $60 billion of issuance from its inception in 2000 through its abrupt halt in 2007. As evidenced by rating agency downgrades, current performance, and estimates from the authors' own model, TruPS CDOs are ...
Working Papers , Paper 11-22

Working Paper
Collateral damage: Sizing and assessing the subprime CDO crisis

This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of structured finance asset-backed securities collateralized debt obligations (SF ABS CDOs), the subset of CDOs that traded on the ABS CDO desks at the major investment banks and were a major contributor to the global financial panic of August 2007. Despite their importance, we have yet to determine the exact size and composition of the SF ABS CDO market or get a good sense of the write-downs these CDOs will generate. In this paper the authors identify these SF ABS CDOs with data from Intex, the source data and valuation software for the universe of ...
Working Papers , Paper 11-30


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