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Author:Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 

Journal Article
The economics of sovereign defaults

Economic Quarterly , Volume 93 , Issue Spr , Pages 163-187

Working Paper
International reserves and rollover risk

Two striking facts about international capital flows in emerging economies motivate this paper: (1) Governments hold large amounts of international reserves, for which they obtain a return lower than their borrowing cost. (2) Purchases of domestic assets by nonresidents and purchases of foreign assets by residents are both procyclical and collapse during crises. We propose a dynamic model of endogenous default that can account for these facts. The government faces a trade-off between the benefits of keeping reserves as a buffer against rollover risk and the cost of having larger gross debt ...
Working Paper , Paper 13-01

Working Paper
Sudden stops, time inconsistency, and the duration of sovereign debt

We study the sovereign debt duration chosen by the government in the context of a standard model of sovereign default. The government balances increasing the duration of its debt to mitigate rollover risk and lowering duration to mitigate the debt dilution problem. We present two main results. First, when the government decides the debt duration on a sequential basis, sudden stop risk increases the average duration by 1 year. Second, we illustrate the time inconsistency problem in the choice of sovereign debt duration: Governments would like to commit to a duration that is 1.7 years shorter ...
Working Paper , Paper 13-08

Working Paper
Asset Trading and Valuation with Uncertain Exposure

This paper considers an asset market where investors have private information not only about asset payoffs, but also about their own exposure to an aggregate risk factor. In equilibrium, rational investors disagree about asset payoffs: Those with higher exposure to the risk factor are (endogenously) more optimistic about claims on the risk factor. Thus, information asymmetry limits risk sharing and trading volumes. Moreover, uncertainty about exposure amplifies the effect of aggregate exposure on asset prices, and can thereby help explain the excess volatility of prices and the predictability ...
Working Paper , Paper 14-5

Working Paper
International Reserves and Rollover Risk

We study the optimal accumulation of international reserves in a quantitative model of sovereign default with long-term debt and a risk-free asset. Keeping higher levels of reserves provides a hedge against rollover risk, but this is costly because using reserves to pay down debt allows the government to reduce sovereign spreads. Our model, parameterized to mimic salient features of a typical emerging economy, can account for a significant fraction of the holdings of international reserves, and the larger accumulation of both debt and reserves in periods of low spreads and high income. We ...
Working Papers , Paper 735

Journal Article
The behavior of household and business investment over the business cycle

This article describes the main characteristics of the cyclical behavior of household and business investment over the cycle in the United States and reviews the most prominent studies that have tried to explain the dynamics of these two investment components. We conclude that even though there have been advances in the understanding of the behavior of these two investment components, more research is needed. One important limitation of existing studies is that they either abstract from changes in the relative price of houses or they generate house price movements that are not aligned with ...
Economic Quarterly , Volume 95 , Issue Sum

Journal Article
A quantitative study of the role of wealth inequality on asset prices

This article studies the equilibrium properties of asset prices in a Lucas tree model when agents display a concave coefficient of absolute risk tolerance. This preference specification introduces a role for wealth inequality even under the presence of complete markets. The article finds evidence suggesting that the role of wealth inequality on asset prices may be non-negligible. The equity premium in the unequal economy is between 24 and 47 basis points larger than the equity premium displayed in an egalitarian economy.
Economic Quarterly , Volume 94 , Issue Win , Pages 73-96

Working Paper
Mortgage defaults

We present a model in which households facing income and housing-price shocks use long-term mortgages to purchase houses. Interest rates on mortgages reflect the risk of default. The model accounts for observed patterns of housing consumption, mortgage borrowing, and defaults. We use the model as a laboratory to evaluate default-prevention policies. While recourse mortgages make the penalty for default harsher and thus may lower the default rate, they also lower equity and increase payments and thus may increase the default rate. Introducing loan-to-value (LTV) limits for new mortgages ...
Working Papers , Paper 2011-019

Journal Article
Quantitative models of sovereign default and the threat of financial exclusion

Economic Quarterly , Volume 93 , Issue Sum , Pages 251-286

Journal Article
Europe may provide lessons on preventing mortgage defaults

During the last global recession, house prices fell in some European countries almost as much as in some U.S. states. However, mortgage defaults occurred at a much lower rate in Europe. The authors say the difference might be explained by two regulations that apply in Europe but are used on a limited or much less restrictive basis in the U.S.
The Regional Economist , Issue July


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