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Journal Article
Historic Vincennes draws strength from within
Journal Article
Cracks develop in furniture stronghold
Tupelo, Miss., remains the king of the upholstered furniture industry. But layoffs and shutdowns spur call for diversification.
Journal Article
Well-preserved Madison looks to attract more than just tourists
Journal Article
Potosi tries to keep head above water
As the country began to prosper in the '90s, the city of Potosi, Mo., languished in Depression-era unemployment. Until recently, that is, when the manufacturing plants that have tended to go elsewhere began to return.
Journal Article
Oxford capitalizes on its literary past and present
As Abraham Lincoln is to Springfield, Ill., as Mark Twain is to Hannibal, Mo., William Faulkner is to Oxford, Miss.
Journal Article
Foreign residents fill local needs in Bowling Green, Ky.
In cities across the United States, the strong economy has left employers with too few workers for too many vacancies. One small Kentucky town is filling this void with an unlikely labor pool: immigrants.
Journal Article
Blytheville spreads its wings after air force base closing
When the air force base in Blytheville, Ark., was shuttered in 1992, the town's economic future appeared to be grounded. How did Blytheville manage to stay airborne, and what will it take for it to fly high again?
Journal Article
Breaking out: Marion's success not confined to prison
Journal Article
Action Jackson: Tennessee town seeks to continue 10-year roll
Led by a potato chip factory, Jackson has experienced a manufacturing boom that has city fathers smiling.