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Author:Gill, Kathleen 

Journal Article
The Network: an IDA program turning savings dreams into reality

Looking to buy homes in Boston and learn about financial management, almost 200 people have joined "The Network," an intensive IDA program that is entering its second session. Kathleen Gill profiles the IDA.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 10-13

Journal Article
The role of funders in university-community partnerships

Kathleen Gill of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston outlines the role played by grant-making institutions in fueling the emerging field of university-community partnerships.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 19-23

Journal Article
Building materials cooperatives in New England

Low- and moderate-income (LMI) homeowners in New England often find it difficult to repair their homes due to the high cost of building materials. Kathleen Gill highlights how the emerging building materials cooperatives work to offer LMI homeowners discounted building materials, appliances, and supplies, while also keeping unwanted construction products from clogging up landfills.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 18-21

Journal Article
Affordable housing in the greater Boston area: what challenges are LMI households facing?

Traditional programs designed to assist low- and moderate-income (LMI) renters and prospective homebuyers may not be sufficient given the rapidly accelerating Greater Boston real-estate market. Kathleen Gill explores how a growing shortage of affordable housing impacts LMI households and what options may be available to them.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 9-13

Journal Article
Are geographic borders old-fashioned? regionalists say \\"yes\\"

Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 12-17

Journal Article
Art's economic power in New England

Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 10-14

Journal Article
Cohousing: a new kind of old neighborhood

Cohousing is a housing development trend that is gaining wider acceptance within New England and the United States. In order to preserve a sense of community and connectedness within their neighborhoods, cohousing proponents in the United States have modeled their developments on those in Denmark. Often cohousing developments include a wide variety of residents, including lower-income households. In this issue, we look at how cohousing is spreading in Massachusetts.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 19-21

Journal Article
Producing skilled labor: how the Workforce Investment Act works

Maine and Rhode Island have taken different tracks implementing the federally created Workforce Investment Act. Kathleen Gill profiles the state programs.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 18-20




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