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Author:Gilchrist, Simon 

Working Paper
The role of credit market imperfections in the monetary transmission mechanism: arguments and evidence

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 93-5

Working Paper
Credit spreads as predictors of real-time economic activity: a Bayesian Model-Averaging approach

Employing a large number of financial indicators, we use Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to forecast real-time measures of economic activity. The indicators include credit spreads based on portfolios--constructed directly from the secondary market prices of outstanding bonds--sorted by maturity and credit risk. Relative to an autoregressive benchmark, BMA yields consistent improvements in the prediction of the cyclically-sensitive measures of economic activity at horizons from the current quarter out to four quarters hence. The gains in forecast accuracy are statistically significant and ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2012-77

Working Paper
Putty-clay and investment: a business cycle analysis

This paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with putty-clay technology that incorporates embodied technology, investment irreversibility, and variable capacity utilization. Low short-run capital-labor substitutability native to the putty-clay framework induces the putty-clay effect of a tight link between changes in capacity and movements in employment and output. As a result, persistent shocks to technology or factor prices generate business cycle dynamics absent in standard neoclassical models, including a prolonged hump-shaped response of hours, persistence in output ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1998-30

Working Paper
Monetary policy, business cycles and the behavior of small manufacturing firms

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 93-4

Working Paper
The Fed Takes On Corporate Credit Risk: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the SMCCF

This paper evaluates the efficacy of the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, a program designed to stabilize the U.S. corporate bond market during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program announcements on March 23 and April 9, 2020, significantly reduced investment-grade credit spreads across the maturity spectrum—irrespective of the program’s maturity-eligibility criterion—and ultimately restored the normal upward-sloping term structure of credit spreads. The Federal Reserve’s actual purchases reduced credit spreads of eligible bonds 3 basis points more than those of ineligible ...
Working Papers , Paper 24-2

Working Paper
Financial Heterogeneity and Monetary Union

We analyze the economic consequences of forming a monetary union among countries with varying degrees of financial distortions, which interact with the firms' pricing decisions because of customer-market considerations. In response to a financial shock, firms in financially weak countries (the periphery) maintain{{p}}cashflows by raising markups--in both domestic and export markets--while firms in financially strong countries (the core) reduce markups, undercutting their financially constrained competitors to gain market share. When the two regions are experiencing different shocks, common ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2018-043

Conference Paper
The importance of credit for macroeconomic activity: identification through heterogeneity

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 39 , Pages 129-173

Working Paper
Monetary Policy and Real Borrowing Costs at the Zero Lower Bound

This paper compares the effects of conventional monetary policy on real borrowing costs with those of the unconventional measures employed after the target federal funds rate hit the zero lower bound (ZLB). For the ZLB period, we identify two policy surprises: changes in the 2-year Treasury yield around policy announcements and changes in the 10-year Treasury yield that are orthogonal to those in the 2-year yield. The efficacy of unconventional policy in lowering real borrowing costs is comparable to that of conventional policy, in that it implies a complete pass-through of policy-induced ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2014-39

Working Paper
Inflation Dynamics During the Financial Crisis

Firms with limited internal liquidity significantly increased prices in 2008, while their liquidity unconstrained counterparts slashed prices. Differences in the firms' price-setting behavior were concentrated in sectors likely characterized by customer markets. We develop a model, in which firms face financial frictions, while setting prices in a customer-markets setting. Financial distortions create an incentive for firms to raise prices in response to adverse demand or financial shocks. These results reflect the firms' reaction to preserve internal liquidity and avoid accessing external ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2015-12

Working Paper
Transition dynamics in vintage capital models: explaining the postwar catch-up of Germany and Japan

We consider a neoclassical interpretation of Germany and Japan's rapid postwar growth that relies on a catch-up mechanism through capital accumulation where technology is embodied in new capital goods. Using a putty-clay model of production and investment, we are able to capture many of the key empirical properties of Germany and Japan's postwar transitions, including persistently high but declining rates of labor and total-factor productivity growth, a U-shaped response of the capital-output ratio, rising rates of investment and employment, and moderate rates of return to capital.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2001-07


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