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Discussion Paper
Skills-based Approaches for Finding Talent and Diversifying the Workforce: Six Lessons from Employers
Securing the right talent is crucial for every employer. Especially challenging in a tight labor market, it is a perennial issue for certain industries, occupations, and geographies. At the same time, persistent employment outcome disparities exist. The labor mismatch—where current job seekers’ credentials, or lack thereof, do not match employer job requirements—has prompted a widening trend in which employers have shifted from prioritizing degrees in favor of evaluating potential workers based on their transferable skills.The adoption of skills-based practices offers a practical ...
Discussion Paper
Reconceptualizing Workers as Lifelong Learners
In a rapidly evolving labor market impacted by a complex interaction of economic, demographic, and technological shifts, ensuring that workers remain competitive and that industry and employers' needs are met will depend on developing and maintaining up-to-date and relevant skills.Skill requirements are changing. In a study conducted between 2016 and 2021, on average, 37 percent of the top skills requested for jobs in the United States changed, and one in five skills are new. Automation and the development of emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence have and will ...
Discussion Paper
How Community Partners in Chattanooga, Tennessee Are Working toward an Equitable Workforce System
From April 2022 through March 2023, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s Center for Workforce andEconomic Opportunity participated in the Reinventing Our Communities (ROC) program, a place-basedeconomic inclusion program designed to increase equity in the workforce development system inChattanooga, Tennessee. Through applied trainings, workshops, peer learning, and technical support,the program helped public- and private-sector community partners across Chattanooga work toward:• Improved community-led collaboration around racial equity and workforce development• Increased ...