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Corporate Debt Structure over the Global Credit Cycle
We study the determinants of active debt management through issuance and refinancing decisions for firms around the world. We leverage instrument-level data to create a comprehensive picture of the maturity, currency, and security type composition of firms' debt for a large cross-section of countries. At the instrument level, we estimate a predictive model of prepayment as a function of interest costs savings and maturity lengthening motives. We document that there is substantial heterogeneity in prepayment across bonds and loans and across firms, depending on their reliance on bank lending. ...
Discussion Paper
Look Out for Outlook-at-Risk
The timely characterization of risks to the economic outlook plays an important role in both economic policy and private sector decisions. In a February 2023 Liberty Street Economics post, we introduced the concept of “Outlook-at-Risk”—that is, the downside risk to real activity and two-sided risks to inflation. Today we are launching Outlook-at-Risk as a regularly updated data product, with new readings for the conditional distributions of real GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation to be published each month. In this post, we use the data on conditional distributions to ...
Discussion Paper
The Changing Landscape of Corporate Credit
Firms’ access to credit is a crucial determinant of their investment, employment, and overall growth decisions. While we usually think of their ability to borrow as determined by aggregate credit conditions, in reality firms have a number of markets where they can borrow, and conditions can vary across those markets. In this post, we investigate how the composition of debt instruments on U.S. firms’ balance sheets has evolved over the last twenty years.
Corporate Credit Provision
Productive firms can access credit markets directly—by issuing corporate bonds—or in an intermediated manner—by borrowing through loans. In this paper, we study how the macroeconomic environment, including inflation, the stage of business cycle, and the stance of monetary policy, affects firms’ decisions of which debt market to access. Tighter monetary policy leads to firms borrowing more using intermediated credit, while higher inflation rates lead firms to lock in financing rates by issuing corporate bonds. Moreover, we also explore the role that heterogeneity in leverage across ...
Financing Private Credit
Using data on balance sheets of both financial and nonfinancial sectors of the economy, we use a “demand system” approach to study how lender composition and willingness to provide credit affect the relationship between credit expansions and real activity. A key advantage of jointly modeling the demand for and supply of credit is the ability to evaluate equilibrium elasticities of credit quantities with respect to variables of interest. We document that the sectoral composition of lenders financing a credit expansion is a key determinant for subsequent real activity and crisis ...
Discussion Paper
What Is “Outlook-at-Risk?”
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has increased the target range for the federal funds rate by 4.50 percentage points since March 16, 2022. In tightening the stance of monetary policy, the FOMC balances the risk of inflation remaining persistently high if the economy continues to run “hot” against the risk of unemployment rising as the economy cools. In this post, we review a quantitative approach to measuring the evolution of risks to real GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation that is inspired by our previous work on “Vulnerable Growth.” We find that, in February, ...
The Nonlinear Case Against Leaning Against the Wind
We re-examine the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability in a setting that allows for nonlinear, time-varying relationships between monetary policy, financial stability, and macroeconomic outcomes. Using novel machine-learning techniques, we estimate a flexible “nonlinear VAR” for the stance of monetary policy, real activity, inflation, and financial conditions, and evaluate counterfactual evolutions of downside risk to real activity under alternative monetary policy paths. We find that a tighter path of monetary policy in 2003-05 would have increased the risk of ...
Discussion Paper
The Disparate Outcomes of Bank‑ and Nonbank‑Financed Private Credit Expansions
Long-run trends in increased access to credit are thought to improve real activity. However, “rapid” credit expansions do not always end well and have been shown in the academic literature to predict adverse real outcomes such as lower GDP growth and an increased likelihood of crises. Given these financial stability considerations associated with rapid credit expansions, being able to distinguish in real time “good booms” from “bad booms” is of crucial interest for policymakers. While the recent literature has focused on understanding how the composition of borrowers helps ...
Corporate Credit Conditions Around the World: Novel Facts Through Holistic Data
We collect comprehensive granular data on various aspects of firms’ access to credit markets. We document ten facts that show that inferring credit conditions for new debt from those for existing debt – and vice versa – leads to erroneous conclusions. Secondary market spreads are poor proxies of the cost of new debt. Investment grade issuance is driven by firms’ own secondary market spreads, while high yield issuance responds to macroeconomic conditions. Bond issuances overstate changes in firm indebtedness. Emerging market bond and loan borrowing is complementary for firms with ...
The Global Credit Cycle
Do global credit conditions affect local credit and business cycles? Using a large cross-section of equity and corporate bond market returns around the world, we construct a novel global credit factor and a global risk factor that jointly price the international equity and bond cross-section. We uncover a global credit cycle in risky asset returns, which is distinct from the global risk cycle. We document that the global credit cycle in asset returns translates into a global credit cycle in credit quantities, with a tightening in global credit conditions predicting extreme capital flow ...