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Author:Eichengreen, Barry 

Conference Paper
Policy making in an integrated world: from surveillance to ...?

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 43 , Issue Jun , Pages 205-241

Conference Paper
Asia’s role in the post-crisis global economy

Closing remarks -- Asia's role in the post-crisis global economy : a conference (2011 : November 29-30)
Proceedings , Issue Nov , Pages 383-387

Working Paper
Crisis resolution: next steps

At the April 2003 meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committees, it was decided to further encourage the contractual approach to smoothing the process of sovereign debt restructuring by encouraging the more widespread use of collective action clauses (CACs) in international bonds. This decision was shaped partly by Mexico's successful launch of a bond subject to New York law but featuring CACs, and by subsequent issues with similar provisions from other emerging market countries. This paper reviews the developments leading up to that event, its implications, and prospects ...
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 03-05

Journal Article
Interview with Barry Eichengreen

Forefront , Issue Spring , Pages 24-30

Conference Paper
Exchange rates and financial fragility

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Working Paper
Stability or upheaval? The currency composition of international reserves in the long run

We analyze how the role of different national currencies as international reserves was affected by the shift from fixed to flexible exchange rates. We extend data on the currency composition of foreign reserves backward and forward to investigate whether there was a shift in the determinants of the currency composition of international reserves around the breakdown of Bretton Woods. We find that inertia and policy-credibility effects in international reserve currency choice have become stronger post-Bretton Woods, while network effects appear to have weakened. We show that negative policy ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 201

Working Paper
Protection, real wage resistance and employment: an analysis of some proposals of the Cambridge Economic Policy Group

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 150

Working Paper
Doctrinal determinants, domestic and international of Federal Reserve policy, 1914-1933

This paper describes the doctrinal foundations of Federal Reserve policy from the establishment of the institution through the early 1930s, focusing on the role of international factors in those doctrines and conceptions. International considerations were at most part of the constellation of factors shaping the Federal Reserve?s outlook and policies even in the high gold standard era that ended in 1933. However, neither was the influence of international factors absent, much less negligible. Nor were the Fed?s policies without consequences for the rest of the world. Having described the ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 195

Working Paper
The IMF in a world of private capital markets

The IMF attempts to stabilize private capital flows to emerging markets by providing public monitoring and emergency finance. In analyzing its role we contrast cases where banks and bondholders do the lending. Banks have a natural advantage in monitoring and creditor coordination, while bonds have superior risk sharing characteristics. Consistent with this assumption, banks reduce spreads as they obtain more information through repeat transactions with borrowers. By comparison, repeat borrowing has little influence in bond markets, where publicly-available information dominates. But spreads ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2005-12

Conference Paper
Comments on financial crises and contagion

Proceedings , Paper 728


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