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Author:Edwards, Franklin R. 

Conference Paper
Policies to curb stock market volatility

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Can regulatory reform prevent the impending disaster in financial markets?

Economic Review , Volume 73 , Issue Jan , Pages 29-39

Journal Article
Hedge funds and investor protection regulation

A recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruling requiring hedge fund advisers to register with the SEC aims to foster conduct and compliance to better protect hedge fund investors. This article focuses on investor protection regulation, considering its goals and likely costs and benefits. After reviewing some alternative regulatory approaches, the author examines the current U.S. regulatory structure for hedge funds, which has, perhaps unwittingly, separated hedge fund investors into two distinct classes -- retail and wholesale -- defined by wealth levels. ; The SEC's recent ruling ...
Economic Review , Volume 91 , Issue Q 4 , Pages 35-48

Conference Paper
Can regulatory reform prevent the impending disaster in financial markets?

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
The decline of traditional banking: implications for financial stability and regulatory policy

In recent years, the traditional business of banks--making long-term loans and funding them by issuing short--dated deposits-has declined. This development has raised concerns that more banks will fail or be forced to assume greater risk to remain profitable. This article first examines the economic forces responsible for banks' reduced role in financial intermediation. The authors then consider whether banks may be jeopardizing the stability of the financial system by extending riskier loans or engaging in derivatives dealing and other "nontraditional" financial activities that bring ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 1 , Issue Jul , Pages 27-45

Conference Paper
Financial markets in transition - or the decline of commercial banking

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Conference Paper
Comments on banking and commerce: lessons from Japan

Proceedings , Paper 384

Conference Paper
Financial markets in transition; or, the decline of commercial banking

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole