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Author:Eckstein, Zvi 

Working Paper
What Explains the Growing Gender Education Gap? The Effects of Parental Background, the Labor Market and the Marriage Market on College Attainment

In the 1960 cohort, American men and women graduated from college at the same rate, and this was true for Whites, Blacks and Hispanics. But in more recent cohorts, women graduate at much higher rates than men. To understand the emerging gender education gap, we formulate and estimate a model of individual and family decision-making where education, labor supply, marriage and fertility are all endogenous. Assuming preferences that are common across ethnic groups and fixed over cohorts, our model explains differences in all endogenous variables by gender/ethnicity for the ‘60-‘80 cohorts ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 082

Working Paper
Transaction services, inflation, and welfare

This paper is motivated by a variety of empirical observations on the comovements of currency velocity, inflation, and the relative size of the "credit services" sector. By the credit services sector we mean the part of banking and credit sector which provides alternative means of transactions to using currency as well as other services which help people economize on currency. We incorporate the credit services sector into a monetary growth model. Our model makes two specific and new contributions. The first is to show that direct quantitative evidence on the welfare cost of low inflation ...
Working Papers , Paper 551

Journal Article
The evolution of U.S. earnings inequality: 1961?2002

The goal of this article is to summarize the main trends in the earnings and employment distribution in the United States using data drawn from the March Current Population Surveys covering the period between 1961 and 2002. We show that inequality started to increase for men in 1974, and for women in 1981, and for both genders inequality continued to increase throughout 2002. During the same period the wage premium of college graduates over non-college workers increased substantially and the ratio of college educated workers to non-college workers also increased. These facts support the ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 28 , Issue Dec , Pages 10-29

Conference Paper
On the fit of a neoclassical monetary model in high inflation: Israel 1972-1990


Discussion Paper
Seigniorage and the welfare cost of inflation: evidence from an intertemporal model of money and consumption

This paper empirically investigates the restrictions embodied in a popular dynamic monetary model for the cross relations between consumption, money holdings, inflation and assets returns using quarterly data for the high-inflation economy in Israel, 19701988. The model considered includes money in agents utility function. A set of the estimated parameters is used in the analysis to assess the models quantitative implications for seigniorage and for the welfare costs of inflation. The estimates are found to account well for the observed stability over time of seigniorage in Israel and imply ...
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 40

Working Paper
Interpreting monetary stabilization in a growth model with credit goods production

This paper is motivated by observations concerning the size of the banking sector and the growth rate of the economy before and after successful stabilizations of high inflations. The facts suggest that the relative size of the banking sector increases during a period of accelerating inflation and decreases immediately following a successful monetary stabilization. Furthermore, the GDP growth rate is lower during the high inflation period than after stabilization. The goal of this paper is to develop a monetary growth model which is qualitatively consistent with these observations. The model ...
Working Papers , Paper 525

Transaction services, inflation, and welfare

This paper is motivated by empirical observations on the comovements of currency velocity, inflation, and the relative size of the credit services sector. We document these comovements and incorporate into a monetary growth model a credit services sector that provides services that help people economize on money. Our model makes two new contributions. First, we show that direct evidence on the appropriately defined credit service sector for the United States is consistent with the welfare cost measured using an estimated money demand schedule. Second, we provide welfare cost of inflation ...
Staff Report , Paper 241


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