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Author:Duffee, Gregory R. 

Working Paper
Asymmetric cross-sectional dispersion in stock returns: evidence and implications

This paper documents that daily stock returns of both firms and industries are more dispersed when the overall stock market rises than when it falls. This positive relation is conceptually distinct from - and appears unrelated to - asymmetric return correlations. I argue that the source of the relation is positive skewness in sector-specific return shocks. I use this asymmetric behavior to explain a previously-observed puzzle: aggregate trading volume tends to be higher on days when the stock market rises than when it falls. The idea proposed here is that trading is more active on days when ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2000-18

Working Paper
A new test for mean reversion in stock prices

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 152

Working Paper
Trading volume and return reversals

This paper tests whether the magnitude of the serial correlation of monthly stock returns varies with trading volume. In both the 1915-1945 and 1946-1989 periods, it finds a statistically significant relationship between NYSE volume shocks and return reversals. The point estimates suggest that if month "t" has a one-standard-deviations shock to trading volume, an additional 40 to 50 percent of month t's stock return is eventually reversed. Additional results indicate that the volume shocks are not just a proxy for previously known predictors of aggregate stock returns such as the ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 192

Working Paper
Idiosyncratic variation of Treasury bill yields

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 94-28

Working Paper
The importance of market psychology in the determination of stock market volatility

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 115

Working Paper
A securities transactions tax: beyond the rhetoric, what can we really say?

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 133

Conference Paper
Rethinking risk management for banks: lessons from credit derivatives

Proceedings , Paper 514

Working Paper
A primer on program trading and stock price volatility: a survey of the issues and the evidence

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 109

Working Paper
What's good for GM...? Using auto industry stock returns to forecast business cycles and test the Q-theory of investment

Working Papers , Paper 9610

Working Paper
Term premia and interest rate forecasts in affine models

I find that the standard class of affine models produces poor forecasts of future changes in Treasury yields. Better forecasts are generated by assuming that yields follow random walks. The failure of these models is driven by one of their key features: the compensation that investors receive for facing risk is a multiple of the variance of the risk. This means that risk compensation cannot vary independently of interest rate volatility. I also describe and empirically estimate a class of models that is broader than the standard affine class. These 'essentially affine' models retain the ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2000-19