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Author:Dueker, Michael J. 

Journal Article
Narrow vs. broad measures of money as intermediate targets: some forecast results

Review , Issue Jan , Pages 41-51

Journal Article
Risk premiums among corporate bonds

Monetary Trends , Issue Nov

Journal Article
Are federal funds rate changes consistent with price stability? Results from an indicator model

Review , Volume 78 , Issue Jan , Pages 45-51

Working Paper
Dynamic forecasts of qualitative variables: a Qual VAR model of U.S. recessions

This article presents a new Qual VAR model for incorporating information from qualitative and/or discrete variables in vector autoregressions. With a Qual VAR, it is possible to create dynamic forecasts of the qualitative variable using standard VAR projections. Previous forecasting methods for qualitative variables, in contrast, only produce static forecasts. I apply the Qual VAR to forecasting the 2001 business recession out of sample and to analyzing the Romer and Romer (1989) narrative measure of monetary policy contractions as an endogenous variable in a VAR. Out of sample, the model ...
Working Papers , Paper 2001-012

Journal Article
Regime-dependent recession forecasts and the 2001 recession

Business recessions are notoriously hard to predict accurately, hence the quip that economists have predicted eight of the last five recessions. This article derives a six-month-ahead recession signal that reduces the number of false signals outside of recession, without impairing the ability to signal the recessions that occur. In terms of predicting the 1990-91 and 2001 recessions out of sample, the new recession signal, like other signals, largely misses the 1990-91 recession with its six-month-ahead forecasts. In contrast, a recession onset in April or May 2001 was predicted six months ...
Review , Volume 84 , Issue Nov , Pages 29-36

Journal Article
Discrete monetary policy changes and changing inflation targets in estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models

Many estimated macroeconomic models assume interest rate smoothing in the monetary policy equation. In practice, monetary policymakers adjust a target level for the federal funds rate by discrete increments. One often-neglected consequence of using a quarterly average of the daily federal funds rate in empirical work is that any change in the target federal funds rate will affect the quarterly average in the current quarter and the subsequent quarter. Despite this clear source of predictable change in the quarterly average of the federal funds rate, the vast bulk of the literature that ...
Review , Volume 87 , Issue Nov , Pages 719-34

Working Paper
Can Markov switching models predict excess foreign exchange returns?

This paper merges the literature on technical trading rules with the literature on Markov switching to develop economically useful trading rules. The Markov models' out-of sample, excess returns modestly exceed those of standard technical rules and are profitable over the most recent subsample. A portfolio of Markov and standard technical rules outperforms either set individually, on a risk-adjusted basis. The Markov rules' high excess returns contrast with mixed performance on statistical tests of forecast accuracy. There is no clear source for the trends, but permitting the mean to depend ...
Working Papers , Paper 2001-021

Journal Article
A guide to nominal feedback rules and their use for monetary policy

If price stability is to be sustained, monetary policy actions will inevitably resemble - in the long run - the prescriptions from nominal feedback rules, which are designed to achieve price stability. This property means that monetary policy might be well described by a nominal feedback rule in a low-inflation country such as Switzerland. In this article, Michael J. Dueker an Andreas M. Fischer provide a general description of nominal feedback rules and use one rule - with time-varying parameters - to model Swiss monetary policy actions. The authors explain how this indicator model can ...
Review , Issue Jul , Pages 55-63

Journal Article
Measuring monetary policy inertia in target Fed funds rate changes

Recent research has grappled with an apparent paradox: Why would a central bank that is focused primarily on inflation control exhibit signs of inertia when making policy adjustments? In this article, Michael Dueker argues that fully characterizing the policy inertia is a precondition towards resolving the apparent paradox. This article presents empirical estimates of adjustments to the target fed funds rate that take into account two facets of policy inertia: a partial-adjustment mechanism and thresholds for making discrete changes to the target fed funds rate. With a more complete picture ...
Review , Volume 81 , Issue Sep , Pages 3-10

Working Paper
Fixing Swiss potholes: the importance of improvements

This note sheds new light on the dynamic properties of maintenance and repair and examines the behavior of an additional form of capital spending-that of improvements. The analysis examines a unique long-run data set on Swiss road spending.
Working Papers , Paper 2001-025



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Business cycles 8 items

Inflation (Finance) 8 items

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