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Author:Divringi, Eileen 

Working Paper
Gentrification and residential mobility in Philadelphia

Gentrification has provoked considerable debate and controversy about its effects on neighborhoods and the people residing in them. This paper draws on a unique large-scale consumer credit database to examine the mobility patterns of residents in gentrifying neighborhoods in the city of Philadelphia from 2002 to 2014. We find significant heterogeneity in the effects of gentrification across neighborhoods and subpopulations. Residents in gentrifying neighborhoods have slightly higher mobility rates than those in nongentrifying neighborhoods, but they do not have a higher risk of moving to a ...
Working Papers , Paper 15-36

A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Consumer Credit Trends by Age in the Third Federal Reserve District

While there is growing awareness of the importance of consumer credit use for the broader economy, less is understood about the full context of borrowers? balance sheets and how financial challenges change over a credit user?s lifecycle. Responding to this knowledge gap, this report takes a comparative look at the use of credit among Third Federal Reserve District residents across three age groups (18 to 34, 35 to 54, and 55 to 84 years). Combining analysis of credit bureau data with insights from interviews with housing and credit counselors, this report provides a comprehensive overview of ...
Beyond the Numbers

Discussion Paper

COVID-19 and associated economic shutdowns have led to unprecedented job losses, with up to 20 million households and 24 million individuals experiencing an unemployment spell between March 2020 and August 2020.1 The scale of these losses, their disproportionate impact on lower-income workers, and the uncertain timeline of economic recovery have raised concerns about the ability of households to maintain rent payments while out of work.
Community Affairs Discussion Paper

Renters’ Experiences During COVID-19

his brief provides a summary of renters’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic with rental debt, landlords, eviction worries, rental assistance programs, and spending adjustments. It is based on the renter portion of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Consumer Finance Institute (CFI) COVID-19 Survey of Consumers – Wave 7, which was conducted in January 2021
Consumer Finance Institute Research Briefs and Special Reports

Journal Article
Rental Housing Affordability Impacts Educational and Employment Opportunities*

Though safe, stable housing is widely recognized as a basic human need, it is far from assured for many renters in the Third Federal Reserve District. Across Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, the lowest-income renters faced severe shortages of affordable and available units (Figure 1) in 2014, leading to widespread housing cost burdens among households with the most limited means. In all three states, the share of lower-income renter households with unaffordable housing costs1 grew significantly from 2005 to 2014, ranging from over two-thirds in Pennsylvania to more than three-quarters ...
Cascade , Volume 1

Journal Article
The Fair Housing Potential of Small Area FMRs in the Philadelphia Region

The housing choice voucher (HCV) program, sometimes referred to as Section 8 vouchers, is the largest housing assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), enabling over 2.2 million renter households across the country to access affordable, decent-quality rental units. Unlike project-based subsidies that make dedicated units available at below-market rents, the HCV program allows low-income households to select from units in the private rental market, subsidizing rents such that they do not exceed 30 percent of household income. In theory, the ...
Cascade , Volume 2

Discussion Paper
Home Repair Costs in Baltimore

The COVID-19 pandemic has put housing stability at the forefront of public policy discussions, and home repair is a critical piece of that conversation. What were total home repair costs in Baltimore prior to the pandemic, and how might COVID-19 impact home repair?
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper

In recent years, growing attention has been paid to the nonmedical factors that affect individual and population health. Wide disparities in life expectancy can be identified across neighborhoods within the same city, highlighting the critical role of place and community context.1 Among modifiable factors, social and environmental circumstances are thought to account for roughly half of the variation in health outcomes, more than twice the portion accounted for by clinical care.
Community Affairs Discussion Paper

Household Rental Debt during COVID-19

This report estimates the number of households with rental debt — and the amount of debt owed — resulting from employment losses attributable to COVID-19.
Consumer Finance Institute Research Briefs and Special Reports


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