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Author:Dingel, Jonathan 

Working Paper
Measuring Movement and Social Contact with Smartphone Data: A Real-Time Application to COVID-19

Tracking human activity in real time and at fine spatial scale is particularly valuable during episodes such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we discuss the suitability of smartphone data for quantifying movement and social contact. We show that these data cover broad sections of the US population and exhibit movement patterns similar to conventional survey data. We develop and make publicly available a location exposure index that summarizes county-to-county movements and a device exposure index that quantifies social contact within venues. We use these indices to document how ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 35

Working Paper
Market Size and Trade in Medical Services

We measure the importance of increasing returns to scale and trade in medical services. Using Medicare claims data, we document that “imported” medical care—services produced by a medical provider in a different region—constitute about one-fifth of US healthcare consumption. Larger regions specialize in producing less common procedures, which are traded more. These patterns reflect economies of scale: larger regions produce higher-quality services because they serve more patients. Because of increasing returns and trade costs, policies to improve access to care face a ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 068


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COVID-19 1 items

Coronavirus 1 items

Healthcare access 1 items

Market-size effects 1 items

Medicare claims data 1 items

Trade in services 1 items

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