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Author:Den Haan, Wouter J. 

Conference Paper
Financial innovations and macroeconomic volatility - comments

Proceedings , Issue Nov

Working Paper
Inferences from parametric and non-parametric covariance matrix estimation procedures

We propose a parametric spectral estimation procedure for contructing heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrices. We establish the consistency of this procedure under very general conditions similar to those considered in previous research. We also perform Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the performance of this procedure in drawing reliable inferences from linear regression estimates. These simulations indicate that the parametric estimator matches, and in some cases greatly exceeds, the performance of the prewhitened kernel estimator proposed by Andrews ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 504

Journal Article
Contract-theoretic approaches to wages and displacement

Review , Issue May , Pages 55-68

Working Paper
Small sample properties of GMM for business cycle analysis

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 95-3

Small sample properties of GMM for business cycle analysis

We investigate, by Monte Carlo methods, the finite sample properties of GMM procedures for conducting inference about statistics that are of interest in the business cycle literature. These statistics include the second moments of data filtered using the first difference and Hodrick-Prescott filters, and they include statistics for evaluating model fit. Our results indicate that, for the procedures considered, the existing asymptotic theory is not a good guide in a sample the size of quarterly postwar U.S. data.
Staff Report , Paper 199