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Author:Cytron, Naomi 

Journal Article
Homeownership at high cost : recent trends in the mortgage lending industry

Community Investments , Volume 18 , Issue Dec

Journal Article
Strengthening community development infrastructure: the opportunities and challenges of CDBG

Considerations should be made regarding how to improve the capacity of local governments and nonprofits using CDBG funds to carry out community development work.
Community Investments , Volume 20 , Issue Win

Journal Article
School quality and affordable housing in the Bay Area

Everyone knows the old real estate adage that the three most important factors in determining the value of a given property are location, location, and location. This is to say that place matters; a neighborhood confers a bundle of amenities to its residents that are specific to that geography. This bundle can include proximity to parks, small-scale retail offerings, high quality schools, and a variety of transportation options, as well as low crime rates and clean air. These amenities are arranged in a variety of configurations across space, and most households determine which aspects are ...
Community Development Research Brief , Issue June , Pages 1-10

Journal Article
Works in progress: comprehensive approaches to community development

Community Investments , Volume 17 , Issue Win

Working Paper
The subprime crisis in suburbia: exploring the links between foreclosures and suburban poverty

In this brief, we provide an overview of patterns of subprime lending, as well as trends in foreclosures and REOs, in suburban communities compared to inner-cities. We also explore the relationship between foreclosures in suburban areas and the increased suburbanization of poverty. We find that the vast majority of foreclosures ?nearly three out of four (73.1 percent)?have been in suburban areas, and that suburban neighborhoods with higher rates of poverty are more likely to experience higher foreclosure rates. This is of concern because the mechanisms for addressing the challenges associated ...
Community Development Working Paper , Paper 2013-02

Journal Article
Some assembly required: using manufactured housing in affordable housing development

Community Investments , Volume 17 , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Workforce development needs for immigrant job-seekers

Community Investments , Volume 21 , Issue Spr

Journal Article
Individual development accounts: engaging the financial services industry in asset building

Community Investments , Volume 17 , Issue May

Journal Article
Workforce quality top consideration for Minnesota companies

Fedgazette , Volume 15 , Issue Sep , Pages 18-19

Journal Article
Addressing community and economic development in rural America: trends, challenges, and opportunities

Community Investments , Issue Spring