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Author:Coronado, Roberto 

Journal Article
U.S.–Mexico manufacturing: back in the race?

After joining the World Trade Organization, China made great strides in global manufacturing. But in recent years, manufacturing has shifted back to North America, and in some sectors, Mexico has a clear advantage over China. North America?s improved manufacturing outlook bodes well for the U.S.?Mexico border region.
Crossroads , Issue 1 , Pages 1-4

Texas border employment and maquiladora growth


Journal Article
Trade, manufacturing put Mexico back on track in 2004

Houston Business , Issue Mar

Conference Paper
Commentary on session III: U.S.-Mexico remittances: recent trends and measurement issues

Summary and discussion of the three papers in this session: "Leveraging remittances for development" by Dilip Ratha; "Remittances and their microeconomic impacts: evidence from Latin America" by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes; and "The relationship between international migration, trade, and development: some paradoxes and findings" by J. Edward Taylor. ; The rest of this commentary explores recent trends in U.S.-Mexico remittances, explaining how they are measured and comparing them with forecasts of remittances based on an econometric model and with trends in other developing countries.

Understanding the evolving relationship between the United States and Mexico

Dallas Fed Senior Vice President Roberto Coronado delivered these remarks at the Western Hemispheric Trade Center Annual Conference at Texas A&M International University in Laredo.
Speeches and Essays

Journal Article
Is the recession over in El Paso?

In December 2007, the U.S. economy entered a mild recession, a downturn that would ultimately trigger the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and a fall into one of the longest and deepest recessions of the past 60 years. Growth returned to the U.S. in mid-2009 but remains too slow to make inroads into stubbornly high unemployment. Virtually no geographic area of the country was left untouched by the U.S. downturn, including El Paso, although the local economy performed much better than other border cities, such as McAllen, Brownsville and Laredo. Government-related spending, ...
Crossroads , Issue May

Journal Article
El Paso and Texas border cities close the gap in per capita income

Crossroads , Issue 2 , Pages 1-8

Journal Article
Spotlight: Dollar-sensitive Mexican shoppers boost Texas border retail activity

Mexican citizens logged 70 million border crossings into Texas in 2011. While some came for work, school or family reasons, many traveled to border cities to shop.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q4 , Pages 15

Journal Article
New Mexico recovery lags amid energy, government sector weakness

New Mexico?s unique history is reflected in the state?s demographics and economy. Tourism, energy and government have traditionally driven activity. Although government once bolstered growth, it is now a drag. While new industries have emerged and trade with Mexico has grown, economic recovery has been slow.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q4 , Pages 12-15

Journal Article
Explaining the increase in remittances to Mexico

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 3-7




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