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Working Paper
Long-term Effects of Redlining on Environmental Risk Exposure
Climate change exacerbates environmental risks such as intensifying extreme precipitation and heat events. Urban design, in turn, can further amplify these background climate stressors through the well-known urban heat island and rainfall effects, which are largely controlled by the local dominance of impervious land covers, surface roughness, and lack of mature tree canopy. While the extent to which present-day exposures and outcomes related to these climate-exacerbated environmental risks in urban areas can be linked to historical policies has received recent attention (Mujahid et al. 2021; ...
What Makes Supply Chains More Resilient to Economic Shocks?
The recent supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 lockdowns highlighted the importance of understanding supply chain resilience, which is the extent to which supply chains can resist, adapt to and recover from a sudden economic shock. We analyze the various COVID-19 lockdowns across India to understand which supply chains were more resilient to the lockdown disruptions. Firms that bought more complex products and that transacted with fewer and more important suppliers proved to be more resilient by maintaining buyer-supplier relationships through the lockdowns and exhibiting smaller ...