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Author:Christensson, Jon 

Journal Article
Can the supply of small business loans be increased?

Small and new businesses, widely credited as engines for job growth, have struggled during the recovery. One reason, say some analysts, is that bank lending to small businesses has declined steadily since the start of the recession. If, as many small businesses claim, the supply of credit from banks has contracted, then increasing the supply of small business loans may allow these businesses to grow and create new jobs. Understanding the factors that affect loan supply may help policymakers design policies to increase the supply of small business loans and, therefore, support further job ...
Economic Review , Volume 96 , Issue Q II

Journal Article
Financial stability reports: how useful during a financial crisis?

Many of the origins of the recent financial crisis were in the United States, beginning with subprime mortgages and mortgage securities. As the crisis spread globally, few market participants or regulatory authorities saw it coming and all underestimated its severity. ; In the United States, the crisis has sparked many proposals to address its perceived causes and prevent a recurrence. One approach already used in many other countries is publishing financial stability reports. These reports review the condition of the financial system, identify and assess risks to the system, and suggest ...
Economic Review , Volume 95 , Issue Q I , Pages 41-70

Working Paper
What can financial stability reports tell us about macroprudential supervision?

Many countries have suggested macroprudential supervision as a means for earlier identification and better control of the risks that might lead to a financial crisis. Since macroprudential supervision would focus on the financial system in its entirety and on major risks that could threaten financial stability, it shares many of the same goals as the financial stability reports written by most central banks. This article examines the financial stability reports of five central banks to assess how effective they were in identifying the problems that led to the recent financial crisis and what ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 11-15



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