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Author:Chirinko, Robert S. 

Conference Paper
Banking relationships in Germany: empirical results and policy implications

Proceedings , Paper 507

Working Paper
A state level database for the manufacturing sector: construction and sources

This document describes the construction of and data sources for a state-level panel data set measuring output and factor use for the manufacturing sector. These data are a subset of a larger, comprehensive data set that we currently are constructing and hope to post on the FRBSF website in the near future. The comprehensive data set will cover the U.S. manufacturing sector and may be thought of as a state-level analog to other widely used productivity data sets such as the industry-level NBER Productivity Database or Dale Jorgenson?s ?KLEM? database or the country-level Penn World Tables, ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2009-21

Working Paper
Non-convexities, labor hoarding, technology shocks, and procyclical productivity: a structural econometric approach

Research Working Paper , Paper 93-08

Working Paper
Tax competition among U.S. states: racing to the bottom or riding on a seesaw?

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the determination of capital tax policy by U.S. states based on new panel data, a new econometric technique, and a new theoretical model. The analysis is undertaken with a panel data set covering all 48 contiguous states for the period 1969 to 2004 and is guided by the theory of strategic tax competition. The latter suggests that capital tax policy is a function of out-of-state tax policy, in-state and out-of-state economic conditions, and, perhaps most importantly, preferences for government services. Using the Common Correlated Effects Pooled ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2008-03

Conference Paper
A framework for assessing depository institution risk


Working Paper
Economic fluctuations, market power, and returns to scale: evidence from firm-level data

Research Working Paper , Paper 93-06

Working Paper
Fiscal Policies for Job Creation and Innovation: The Experiences of US States

This paper reviews selected fiscal policy initiatives undertaken by US states to encourage job creation and innovation. We begin with a discussion of some general considerations about the design of tax policies summarized in a tax policy design table. Four policies are reviewed: job creation tax credits, research and development tax credits, a set of tax policies targeted to the biotechnology industry, and a broad set of tax policies that attract star scientists. The experiences at the state level are used to evaluate the effectiveness of these employment and knowledge-capital tax incentives ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2023-01

Working Paper
Can lower tax rates be bought? Business rent-seeking and tax competition among U.S. states

The standard model of strategic tax competition ? the non-cooperative tax-setting behavior of jurisdictions competing for a mobile capital tax base ? assumes that government policymakers are perfectly benevolent, acting solely to maximize the utility of the representative resident in their jurisdiction. We depart from this assumption by allowing for the possibility that policymakers, given the political and electoral environments in which they operate, also may be influenced by the rent-seeking (lobbying) behavior of businesses. Firms recognize the factors affecting policymakers? welfare and ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2009-29

Working Paper
Fiscal Foresight and Perverse Distortions to Firm Behavior: Anticipatory Dips and Compensating Rebounds

We study the conditions under which fiscal foresight – forward-looking agents anticipating future policy changes – results in perverse economic behavior through unintended intertemporal tradeoffs. Somewhat surprisingly, fiscal foresight by itself is far from sufficient for policy-induced incentives to perversely distort firm behavior. Rather, we show that there are two additional sets of conditions, at least one of which must hold to generate perverse behavior: (i) storable output, diminishing returns, and a non- competitive output market; (ii) “rolling base” policy design and ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2021-15



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