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Author:Chiarenza, Gabriella 

Journal Article
Understanding the Wealth Gap: How Did We Get Here?

The damaging impact of the foreclosure crisis and recession on homeownership ? the main pathway for building wealth, especially for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households ? brought into stark relief the need for better access to stable, diversified savings strategies. At the same time, it is critical to recognize that homeownership remains one of the largest and most vital assets for many families. In this article, we detail the traditional role of homeownership in building overall wealth, explain why LMI households and households of color found themselves particularly vulnerable to loss ...
Community Investments , Issue 02

California Post-RDA Affordable Housing Developer Survey

More than 400 Redevelopment Agencies (RDAs) played a critical role in the development of affordable housing across California for over 60 years. After the agencies were eliminated in 2012 in state budget negotiations, affordable housing developers had to adjust to a new funding landscape without the central source of state funding for subsidized housing development. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco?s community development department, in partnership with Housing California, surveyed the state?s affordable housing developers in October 2015 to learn how they are faring following RDA ...

Journal Article
Challenges for Affordable Housing in a New Era of Scarcity

A discussion of the challenges facing affordable housing after the recession, and how the emergence of innovative models can help affordable housing development, finance, and policy evolve in this new landscape.
Community Investments , Issue 01

Journal Article
Current Challenges and New Pathways for Community Development in Indian Country

The severe poverty, health epidemics, and other community concerns facing Native American nations today have much to do with repeated interruptions throughout the past two centuries to traditional community structure, tribal practices, and self-determination, which left Native peoples subject to the interests of outside governments and policy. Among other challenges, Native communities have experienced a long history of coerced geographic displacement and reassignment of land; variable and ephemeral agreements between the U.S. government and tribal government; and an absence of current, ...
Community Investments , Issue 02

Journal Article
The Next Mission: American Veterans and the Transition Back to Civilian Communities

Who are American veterans, and what do communities need to know about veterans to effectively work with them and improve conditions on their behalf? This introductory article examines the status of today?s veterans with a particular focus on post-9/11 veterans, provides a summary of their opinions and concerns as they return to civilian life, and details the challenges many of our veterans face in securing health care, employment, housing, and stable household finances.
Community Investments , Issue 03

Journal Article
Embracing a Collective Action Approach to Community Development

Realizing that disconnected silo-based efforts cannot effectively address these interrelated conditions on their own, innovators within the community development field have increasingly experimented with a different approach that speaks to linked community challenges. In this emerging approach, professionals from different but related community development sectors work together in a multi-sector coalition toward a common goal with an aim to holistically improve conditions for a group of people, neighborhood, or region. This approach is referred to as cross-sector community development, ...
Community Investments , Issue 01

Economics in the Community Context: Underemployment

Responses to a recent survey revealed that it has become increasingly difficult for people to find consistent full-time jobs, and that this in turn makes it more difficult for many to pay their bills and save for emergencies and retirement. Recognizing this concern among our community stakeholders around the issue of underemployment and taking note of the larger trend in involuntary part-time employment highlighted by Fed economists, we dug into the facts, the numbers, and the research to find out: Are lower-income households more directly impacted by the recent rise in part-time employment ...

Journal Article
Community Investments Vol 25, Issue 2: CI Notebook

In this issue of Community Investments, we look at a selection of Native initiatives across the country that illustrates the effectiveness and forward momentum of these efforts. We learn how Native communities are partnering with federal agencies to build and support sustainable housing in Indian Country, and establish modern water and sewer systems for remote Native communities in Alaska. The articles also examine a community-based health worker initiative that extends culturally-sensitive health care to the farthest reaches of Navajo Nation, and a Native Hawaiian financial education program ...
Community Investments , Issue 02

Journal Article
Community Investments, Vol 25, Issue 1: CI Notebook

This issue of Community Investments asks how different stakeholders within the affordable housing industry are looking ahead and considering adjustments to their practices, in order to continue to provide affordable homes in such a challenging fiscal environment. Which new development deal structures and partnerships are developers considering? How are funders thinking creatively about new financial commitments and filling in the gaps where program sources have been eliminated? How are affordable housing practitioners joining forces with those in related industries to break down silos and ...
Community Investments , Issue 01



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