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An analysis of CDS transactions: implications for public reporting
Ongoing regulatory reform efforts aim to make the over-the-counter derivatives market more transparent by introducing public reporting of transaction-level information, including price and volume of trades. However, to date there has been a scarcity of data on the structure of trading in this market. This paper analyzes three months of global credit default swap (CDS) transactions and presents findings on the market composition, trading dynamics, and level of standardization. We find that trading activity in the CDS market is relatively low, with a majority of reference entities for ...
Discussion Paper
How Might Increased Transparency Affect the CDS Market?
The credit default swap (CDS) market has grown rapidly since the asset class was developed in the 1990s. In recent years, and especially since the onset of the financial crisis, policymakers both in the United States and abroad have begun to strengthen regulations governing derivatives trading, with a particular focus on the decentralized and opaque nature of current trading arrangements. For example, the Dodd-Frank Act will require U.S.-based market participants to publicly report details of their CDS trades. In this post, we discuss the possible impact of increased transparency in the CDS ...
Discussion Paper
Central bank liquidity facilities around the world
A core task of central banks is to provide liquidity to banks, with the goal of facilitating monetary policy implementation, ensuring the smooth functioning of the payment system, and promoting financial stability. While central banks around the world pursue these goals, the design of liquidity facilities differs across countries. This note provides an overview of liquidity facilities around the world that resemble the Federal Reserve’s discount window as well as intraday credit, comparing and contrasting setups in different countries.