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Author:Casey, Gregory 

Working Paper
Understanding Climate Damages: Consumption versus Investment

Existing climate-economy models use aggregate damage functions to model the effects of climate change. This approach assumes climate change has equal impacts on the productivity of firms that produce consumption and investment goods or services. We show the split between damage to consumption and investment productivity matters for the dynamic consequences of climate change. Drawing on the structural transformation literature, we develop a framework that incorporates heterogeneous climate damages. When investment is more vulnerable to climate, we find short-run consumption losses will be ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2022-21

Journal Article
Impact of U.S. Labor Productivity Losses from Extreme Heat

Extreme heat decreases labor productivity in sectors like construction, where much work occurs outdoors. Because construction is an important component of investment, lost productivity today will slow how much capital is built up for future use and thus can have long-lasting impacts on overall economic outcomes. Combining estimates of lost labor productivity due to extreme heat with a model of economic growth suggests that, by the year 2200, extreme heat will reduce the U.S. capital stock by 5.4% and annual consumption by 1.8%.
FRBSF Economic Letter , Volume 2024 , Issue 14

Working Paper
Projecting the Impact of Rising Temperatures: The Role of Macroeconomic Dynamics

We use theory and empirics to distinguish between the impact of temperature on transition (temporary) and steady state (permanent) growth in output per capita. Standard economic theory suggests that the long-run growth rate of output per capita is determined entirely by the growth rate of total factor productivity (TFP). We find evidence suggesting that the level of temperature affects the level of TFP, but not the growth rate of TFP. This implies that a change in temperature will have a temporary, but not a permanent, impact on growth in output per capita. To highlight the quantitative ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2022-20

Journal Article
How Long Do Rising Temperatures Affect Economic Growth?

How might rising temperatures around the world affect the growth rate of GDP per person? Examining data across countries over the past half-century shows that a change in temperature affects GDP growth, but only temporarily. Combining estimates from past data with a simple growth model can help project the impacts of future higher temperatures on GDP per person by country. These projections suggest that total global losses in output per person could be substantial, though smaller than if a given change in temperature had a permanent effect on GDP growth.
FRBSF Economic Letter , Volume 2023 , Issue 15 , Pages 6

Working Paper
Climate Policy and the Long-Run Interest Rate: Insights from a Simple Growth Model

We study the impact of climate policy on the long-run real interest rate in a tractable climate-economy model based on the work of Golosov et al. (2014). When the growth rate of the carbon tax exceeds the growth rate of the price of at least one type of fossil energy, the tax reduces the long-run growth rates of consumption and investment, pushing the interest rate up. We find that if fossil energy prices are constant, a carbon tax that grows at 3.5 percent per year decreases the long-run interest by over 50 basis points. This carbon tax growth rate achieves net zero emissions at the lowest ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2024-37



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