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Author:Carpenter, Surekha 

Discussion Paper
Unemployment Benefits Under the New Stimulus Package

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
COVID-19 Financial Support: Who’s Covered and Who’s Not?

Federal, state, and local government financial support for consumers in response to COVID-19 is widespread, but not universal. Who’s left out from existing governmental support programs?
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
CDFIs on the Prize: Recent Federal Awards for Community Development Financial Institutions

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are mission-driven banks, credit unions, loan funds, and venture capital funds that expand financial access to low-and-moderate income (LMI) and underserved populations.In the past two years, after recognizing CDFIs' ability to reach and serve populations that were hard hit by the pandemic, Congress appropriated a total of $12 billion to the industry through three special programs. The money was allocated to the U.S. Department of the Treasury through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. The scale of these funds set aside for CDFIs is ...
Regional Matters

Journal Article
District Digest

Many Americans take access to credit for granted. It's easy for them to underestimate the importance of credit. But without it, a person's economic advancement may become more challenging. For example, in many areas, the inability to secure an auto loan — and thus, a car — could limit employment options, access to healthy food, or medical care.Different people have disparate experiences in accessing credit. For those who are financially underserved, the market has produced credit alter­natives. But many of those alterna­tives, such as payday lenders, offer unfavorable terms that often ...
Econ Focus , Volume 22 , Issue 4Q , Pages 27-31

Discussion Paper
Rural Spotlight: A Path to Redevelopment in West Virginia

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Hospital Access in the Fifth District and COVID-19

Having enough hospital capacity to treat critical patients has been a major concern during the COVID-19 outbreak. What does hospital capacity look like in the Fifth Federal Reserve District, and how might rural hospital closings impact the current crisis?
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Communities Are Still Facing Disruptions: Is Recovery in Sight?

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Whose Land Is It? Heirs’ Property and Its Role in Generational Land Retention

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
The Federal Reserve’s COVID-19 Community Impact Survey

The Federal Reserve developed and fielded a survey of community-based organizations to better understand the impacts of COVID-19 on their operations and the communities they serve. Fifth District respondents in April and June expressed that while organizations and communities are experiencing significant disruptions, effects are expected to be longer-lasting for the latter.
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
The Landscape of The Rural Fifth District: Does Race Matter?

Regional Matters




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