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Conference Paper
The determinants of corporate loan liquidity
Working Paper
Dimensions of credit risk and their relationship to economic capital requirements
Now in prospect is a major revision of international bank capital regulations that would embody recent advances in credit risk measurement and management. Previous regulations have been simpler in structure, with a primary goal of getting capital requirements right on average, and thus have largely ignored the difference between average and marginal. This paper presents evidence that explicit treatment in new regulations of several important dimensions of credit risk is necessary to limit banks' incentives to engage in capital arbitrage activities. Such activities, if unchecked, may lead to ...
Working Paper
Global financial integration: a collection of new research
This introductory note summarizes and draws together the work reported in eight research papers written by staff economists of the Board's Division of International Finance as part of a project on global financial integration. The eight papers are also International Discussion Finance Discussion Papers (IFDPs), the numbers of which are specified on the table of contents that appears herein. When viewing this introduction online, the paper titles appearing on the table-of-contents page are web links that may be used to navigate directly to each paper's on-line file.
Conference Paper
Toxic waste, accounting, and regulation
Journal Article
Recent developments in the market for privately placed debt
Conference Paper
Which banks sponsored ABCP vehicles and why?
Working Paper
Is the corporate loan market globally integrated? a pricing puzzle
We offer evidence that interest rate spreads on syndicated loans to corporate borrowers are economically significantly smaller in Europe than in the U.S., other things equal. Differences in borrower, loan and lender characteristics associated with equilibrium mechanisms suggested in the literature do not appear to explain the phenomenon. Borrowers overwhelmingly issue in their natural home market and bank portfolios display significant home "bias." This may explain why pricing discrepancies are not competed away, but the fundamental causes of the discrepancies remain a puzzle. Thus, ...