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Author:Canzoneri, Matthew B. 

Conference Paper
Price- and wage- inflation targeting: variations on a theme by Erceg, Henderson, and Levin


Conference Paper
Noncooperative monetary policies in interdependent economies: time consistency and reputation


Working Paper
Wealth effects in the new neoclassical models

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 158

Working Paper
The macroeconomic implications of labor contracting with asymmetric information

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 248

Working Paper
The information content of the interest rate and optimal monetary policy

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 192

Conference Paper
Should the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve be concerned about fiscal policy?

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Working Paper
Stability in financial and labor markets: is there a tradeoff?

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 161

Working Paper
The effects of exchange rate variability on output and employment

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 240

Working Paper
A new interpretation of the coordination problem and its empirical significance

In this paper, we discuss a new interpretation of what might be meant by the "coordination" of policies; in this interpretation, the policymakers are selecting a noncooperative solution rather than a cooperative solution. The new interpretation is suggested by the fact that games typically have a large number of Nash solutions, and players are not indifferent as to which occurs. The multiplicity of solutions may be due to information sharing and surveillance, the choice of policy instruments, or the adoption of reputational strategies in repeated versions of the game. The "coordination" ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 340

Conference Paper
A new interpretation of the coordination problem and its empirical significance
