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Author:Canon, Maria E. 

Journal Article
The effects of Extending Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Longer benefits may reduce unemployed workers? job search efforts, decreasing their likelihood of becoming reemployed.
Economic Synopses , Issue 16

Journal Article
Gender Pay Gap May Be Linked to Flexible and Irregular Hours

The gender pay gap persists, even within occupations and even though women?s educational attainments are surpassing men?s. Is it because women tend to choose jobs with hours that are more irregular than those taken by men?
The Regional Economist , Issue July

Journal Article
District Overview: \\"Leaving the Nest\\" Is Easier in Arkansas than Elsewhere in the District and Nation

In the District, about 40 percent of 25-year-olds were back living with their parents in 2013. That?s higher than in 1999. Both numbers were even higher for the country as a whole. The return to ?the nest? varies, depending perhaps on such things as the labor market, the housing market and student debt in each locale.
The Regional Economist , Issue Oct

Journal Article
Youth Labor Force Participation Continues To Fall, but It Might Be for a Good Reason

Workforce participation has declined among those 16 to 24, but there may be good reasons for this. An analysis by age, gender and education looks at who is in school and who is not.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan

Journal Article
Local housing crisis is similar to nation's

District Overview
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan

Working Paper
Out-of-school suspensions and parental involvement in children’s education

Do parents alter their investment in their child?s human capital in response to changes in school inputs? If they do, then ignoring this effect will bias the estimates of school and parental inputs in educational production functions. This paper tries to answer this question by studying out-of-school suspensions and their effect on parental involvement in children?s education. The use of out-of- school suspensions is the novelty of this paper. Out-of-school suspensions are chosen by the teacher or the principal of the school and not by parents, but they are a consequence of student ...
Working Papers , Paper 2011-022

Working Paper
Wage dynamics and labor market transitions: a reassessment through total income and “usual” wages

We present a simple on-the-job search model in which workers can receive shocks to their employer-specific c productivity match. Because the firm-specific match can vary, wages may increase or decrease over time at each employer. Therefore, for some workers, job-to-job transitions are a way to escape job situations that worsened over time. The contribution of our paper relies on our novel approach to identifying the presence of the shock to the match specific productivity. The presence two independent measures of workers compensation in our dataset of is crucial for our identification ...
Working Papers , Paper 2014-32

Journal Article
Flows To and From Working Part Time for Economic Reasons and the Labor Market Aggregates During and After the 2007-09 Recession

Using counterfactual exercises for the transition probabilities between full-time employment, part-time employment for economic reasons (PTER), part-time employment for noneconomic reasons (PTNER), unemployment, and out-of-the-labor-force similar to Shimer (2012), we find that, ceteris paribus, changes in the transition probabilities to and from PTER in the aftermath of the 2007-09 recession were mainly associated with changes in the composition of employment (full- versus part time, and PTER versus PTNER) instead of with changes in the distribution of individuals between employment and ...
Economic Quarterly , Issue 2Q , Pages 87-111

Journal Article
District Overview: Track Records for District, Nation Differ on Startups, Which Are an Important Driver of Job Growth

While the Eighth District?s track record on business startups is less impressive than that of the nation since 2006, the District performed better than the nation over the same time period in regard to business shutdowns.
The Regional Economist , Issue April

Journal Article
Not everyone who joins the ranks of the employed was \\"unemployed\\"

The Regional Economist



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