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Residential solar power shines on, backed by securitized lending
Residential solar is a small and rapidly expanding sector, and the securitization market—the packaging of loans to investors—has been one of the most popular sources of funding for new solar installations.
Renewable Energy Projects Present Unique Lender Risks, Need for Oversight
A vigorous risk management program can mitigate potential problems facing banks and nonbank financial institutions engaged in financing these facilities—whether as agents, loan participants or direct lenders.
Working Paper
Measuring Climate Transition Risk at the Regional Level with an Application to Community Banks
We develop a measure of climate transition risk for regional economies in the U.S., based on the mix of firms that produce emissions in each region. To quantify transition risks, we consider the introduction of an emissions tax levied on companies emitting greenhouse gases and estimate changes in the market values of industries due to a carbon tax using Merton’s (1974) model. We find that transition risks are highly concentrated in a few sectors and counties with heavy exposures to transition-sensitive sectors. The size and geographic concentration of the tax effects depend significantly on ...