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Discussion Paper
Nonresidential construction spending is likely not as weak as it seems
Unlike any other major component of GDP, private investment in nonresidential structures excluding drilling and mining (henceforth "NRS") has steadily declined since the start of 2020. Figure 1 shows the evolution of GDP as well as the main components of private domestic final demand since 2019.
Working Paper
Partial Homeownership: A Quantitative Analysis
Partial Ownership (PO), which allows households to buy a fraction of a home and rent the remainder, is increasing in many countries with housing affordability challenges. We incorporate an existing for-profit PO contract into a life-cycle model to quantify its impact on homeownership, households’ welfare, and its implications for financial stability. We have the following results: 1) PO increases homeownership rates. 2) Willingness to pay increases with housing unaffordability and is highest among low-income and renting households. 3) PO increases aggregate debt as renters become partial ...