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Working Paper
Corporate Yields and Sovereign Yields
We document that positive association between corporate and sovereign cost of funds borrowed on global capital markets weakens during periods of unusually high sovereign yields, when corporate borrowers are able to issue debt that is priced at lower rates than sovereign debt. This state-dependent sensitivity of corporate yields to sovereign yields has not been previously documented in the literature. We demonstrate that this stylized fact is observed across countries and industries as well as for a given borrower over time and is not explained by a different composition of borrowers issuing ...
Journal Article
Fed policy liftoff and emerging markets
Following reports in 2015 that the Federal Reserve would likely begin to raise the short-term policy interest rate?after seven years of near-zero levels?net capital outflows from emerging economies intensified. Many of these countries also experienced large currency depreciations. These developments were similar to those following reports in 2013 about the possible tapering of the Fed?s asset purchases. Furthermore, in both episodes, financial market reactions varied across these developing economies according to each country?s own economic situation.