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Author:Bechter, Dan M. 

Journal Article
Inventory recession ahead?

Economic Review , Volume 64 , Issue Jul , Pages 7-19

Journal Article
Money growth and inflation

Cross Sections , Issue Fall , Pages 4-6

Journal Article
Evidence of improved inventory control

Inventory data applied to a standard partial stock-adjustment model demonstrate that inventory control, defined by desired marginal inventory-sales ratios and speeds of adjustment, improved in the last decade or so, particularly in the manufacturing sector. In addition, the evidence suggests that, contrary to popular wisdom, the net effect of these changes in inventory control has been to increase the volatility of inventory investment in both the manufacturing and trade sectors.
Economic Review , Volume 78 , Issue Jan , Pages 3-12

Journal Article
Working past retirement age

Cross Sections , Volume 7 , Issue Spr , Pages 8-11

Journal Article
The slowdown in commercial construction

Cross Sections , Volume 7 , Issue fall , Pages 1

Journal Article
The reliability and forecasting value of advance estimates of retail sales

Economic Review , Volume 62 , Issue Apr , Pages 17-22

Journal Article
Business and financial outlook for 1979

Economic Review , Volume 63 , Issue Dec , Pages 13-26

Journal Article
Forecasting with statistical models and a case study of retail sales

Economic Review , Volume 63 , Issue Mar , Pages 3-11

Journal Article
A total production index for Washington, D.C.

A heavy concentration of services characterizes the economy of the District of Columbia. Growth in the D.C. economy, although usually heavily insulated from the swings of the U.S. business cycle, varies in intensity and, sometimes, in direction. Now, a new monthly index of total production provides a timely measure of services and goods production in Washington, D.C.
Economic Review , Volume 77 , Issue May , Pages 13-22

Journal Article
Federal government spending on interest, transfers, and grants

Economic Review , Volume 61 , Issue May , Pages 14-19



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