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Author:Assanie, Laila 

Journal Article
Dallas Booms Through Texas Oil Bust

The Dallas metropolitan division?s economy, buttressed by business relocations and consolidations, has expanded steadily since 2010, following the Great Recession. Growth sectors, which included business and financial services, defense and security, and transportation, powered Dallas and helped it pace the Texas economy after the energy price collapse.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q1 , Pages 11-14

Journal Article
Around the Region: Office Markets Slowly Emerge from Pandemic Slump

The pandemic seismically shifted work from the office to home, particularly during its initial lockdown phases. Even when these limits and capacity restrictions eased and economic activity rebounded, office space demand remained soft and vacancy rates climbed.
Southwest Economy , Issue Third Quarter

Services, Construction Lead Texas as Manufacturing, Energy Soften

Sluggish growth in manufacturing is attributable to softening demand for durables, which appears tied to a slowing energy sector.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Texas economy feels national pinch

Helped somewhat by a weak dollar and strong exports, Texas has shed manufacturing jobs at a 1.4 percent rate so far this year, a much slower pace than the nation?s 3.4 percent decline.
Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 10-13, 16

Journal Article
Spotlight: Waco's economy: it's come a long way from cotton, Dr. Pepper

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 7

Journal Article
Industry clusters shape Texas economy

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 3-7

Journal Article
Texas economy rides wave of changing technology and diffusion of know-how

Data on patents and employment show that Texas is a major center of innovation and high-tech employment.
Southwest Economy , Issue Fourth Quarter

Journal Article
Regional update : Texas midyear report favorable

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 15

The changing face of Texas: population projections and implications


Labor Shortages, Supply Chain Woes Slow Texas Recovery

The Texas economy is on the path to a solid recovery, although the pace of growth has eased since March, recent data suggest.
Dallas Fed Economics




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