Discussion Paper
A prepaid case study: Ready Credit’s general-purpose & transit-fare programs
Abstract: Today, prepaid cards are used in dozens of payment applications. To examine the most recent developments, the Payment Cards Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia hosted a workshop on August 22, 2011. Leading the workshop was Tim Walsh, president and chief executive officer of Ready Credit Corporation, a firm that developed network-branded prepaid cards for use in transit-fare systems and also markets general-purpose, reloadable prepaid cards to consumers. Walsh discussed the unique opportunities and challenges associated with using prepaid cards for transit purposes. He described a model of customer acquisition that emphasizes direct advertising, high-quality call centers, and high rates of enrollment in direct deposit. Walsh compared and contrasted card usage patterns in his transit and general-purpose programs. He also described the importance of cost-effective messaging strategies that reduce program costs and teach customers how to reduce the fees they incur.
Keywords: Payment systems;
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File(s): File format is application/pdf https://www.philadelphiafed.org/-/media/frbp/assets/consumer-finance/discussion-papers/D-2012-April-Ready-Credit.pdf
Bibliographic Information
Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Part of Series: Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
Publication Date: 2012
Number: 12-01