Discussion Paper
Introducing the SCE Housing Survey
Abstract: In February 2014, we administered a survey on housing-related issues to the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) panelists. Our primary goal was to secure rich and high-quality information on consumers? experiences and expectations regarding housing. The survey, among other things, collected data on households? perceptions and expectations of the growth in home prices, their intentions regarding moving or buying a new home, and their access to credit. In addition, for homeowners, we collected detailed information on their mortgage debt, past experiences such as foreclosure or refinancing, and expectations regarding future actions, such as taking out new debt or investing in the home. We are releasing the findings as a chart packet today, and in this post summarize some findings.
Keywords: housing; survey; expectations;
JEL Classification: R3;D1;
Access Documents
File(s): File format is text/html https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2014/09/introducing-the-sce-housing-survey.html
Bibliographic Information
Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Part of Series: Liberty Street Economics
Publication Date: 2014-09-08
Number: 20140908