Journal Article

Economic statistics: new needs for the twenty-first century

Abstract: Selected Papers from a Conference Cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, and the National Association for Business Economics, July 11, 2002. Beverly Hirtle examines the market risk capital figures reported to regulators by U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) to assess the extent to which such disclosures provide meaningful information about bank risk. The study by Michael J. Fleming finds that the commonly used bid-ask spread--the difference between bid and offer prices--is a useful tool for assessing and tracking liquidity in the U.S. Treasury market. This volume of the Economic Policy Review also features a study by Edward J. Green, Jose A. Lopez, and Zhenyu Wang that describes the methods used by the Federal Reserve Banks to calculate the fees charged for their priced services. Several papers from the New York Fed's July 2002 conference--\\"Economic Statistics: New Needs for the Twenty-First Century\\"--are included as well.

Keywords: Industrial productivity - Measurement; Productivity; Economic indicators; Statistics; Index numbers (Economics); Prices; Accounting;

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Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Part of Series: Economic Policy Review

Publication Date: 2003

Issue: Sep

Order Number: v.9 no.3